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Pairing with kickr?

Hi all

Has anyone been able to pair the Vivoactive4 with a kickr18?

We can pair the watch  fine with the cadence sensor of the kickr and also the  phone, headphones etc but the kickr is not being detected. Any advice would be appreciated. both are updated to the latest firmware etc.

Works fine with forerunner 935 but not with this it seems.


  •  do you still have your VA4? If yes, please try out this data field and see if the Power and Cadence Data can be seen on the watch.

    Limited testing seems to show that it is showing up.

    Right now, it's just a display. No data is being recorded. You can compare the data it shows w/ Zwift or Wahoo Kickr App.

    Note : P-Cad = PM Cad and Cad = Normal Cadence from a Cadence Sensor

  • Tnx, but startin a cardio activity and let zwift directly upload to garmin connect is a workaround that works atm. 

    It gives me intensity minutes and the data from zwift is also available in connect now.

  • ah..  so basically you don't need it anymore. Too bad i spent a few days on it then. There goes the time spent down in the proverbial toilet :-p


    Anyways - new version has the Data Uploaded and is now a graph/chart together with data from the Power Meter's Cadence sensor (marked as P-Cad)

    Even works on the First Gen Vivoactive. 

    App has been submitted and going thru Garmin's approval process. Hope it gets released asap,

  • In that case i will use it! 


    App has been released in the app store. (Note : It's a (per session) time limited DEMO but you can have unlimited # of sessions

  • I’m confused by what the OP is trying to achieve. Assuming it’s getting the correct readings from an indoor trainer session to various apps it’s best not to use the VA as the primary device, as most of the sensors apart from HR are already in the Kckr.  So you don’t pair the Kickr as a PM to the VA you separately pair both the VA And Kickr to the device running the Indoor Cycling App eg a phone tablet or computer.

    Then to get the HR on the device you either put the VA4 into Broadcast in Activity mode or into Full Broadcast Mode.  Both modes can be accessed via Settings ->. Sensors and Accessories -> Heart rate wrist HR - > look for the 2 broadcast modes at the bottom.

    if using broadcast in activity you have to start a dummy activity that you then don’t save at the end on some of the higher end watches there is a dedicated activity for this but afaik it’s not coming to the VA line, but any activity will do.  The full session data including HR from the VA gets sent to Garmin connect by the trainer app.

  • With VA4 you can't broadcast HR. So you can't have your HR in the zwift activty when doing indoor ride. Only some other watches allow that.

  • Your reply isn’t clear. The VA4 has 2 broadcast modes. 

  • well I have a VA4 and I didn't find a way to have zwift reading my heart rate. I have been reading forums and support pages and it seems that the VA4 doesn't support that, I would be happily proven wrong. I can start indoor bike activity on my VA4 but that will only record time and HR. Then I have my trainer wahoo kickr snap connected to zwift, at the end zwift sends it to Strava, but I haven't found a way yet to also have my HR data into that.

  • You are doing it the wrong way around.  Zwift is the master for the activity, not the VA4.   

    You put your VA4 into broadcast mode (not indoor biking activity), your PC or Tablet (maybe not AppleTV as it has bluetooth restrictions), picks up the HRM signal from the VA4 and includes it onscreen in Zwift, and it get sync'ed to Garmin Connect (and many others) at the end of the ride.  The only reason this wont work is if your PC/Tablet wont pick up the broadcast mode HR signal, you may have to explicitly pair it the first time.  This was a problem for me with my VA3.  I believe this is fixed in the VA4.