Google voice assistant issue


I updated my venu3 to latest firmware (13.19) just a few minutes ago and I was happy to read in changelog report "Improvements to Voice Assistant interactions with various Android phones"

  1. My happiness stopped just later to have a long press on central button of my V3 SmileJoy


I've not any ideas about to solve it.

In others post, anyone suggest to unistall Google app in Smartphone and don't update it to last version. I done it but without solutions.

Last idea is to perform a factory reset to V3 but I'm almost certain that it no works.

Any experiences about? Advices?  

Thank you

  • Hi Former Member I updated just now to version which you have indicated above. Unfortunately venu 3 comtinues to present the same behavior..."impossible connect to voice assistant". 

    I already sent my android bug report by garmin assistance ticket. 

    I'm waiting for the miracle/solution! Wave tone3

  • What ? Are you saying now that 13.19 officially has been released at 25th of March? 

    It is not true... 

    But I found one more weird thing, when I set none or chatgpt as default assistant, watch showed me microphone icon (the same as assistant google was working). Unfortunately on phone I saw that I have to switch default assistant to google. After switching again, issue with message "connecting to assistant" still exist..

  • Had best intentions when I purchased this watch for my wife 4 months ago. To be honest it's absolute garbage. Have to re pair constantly , cant answer phone calls anymore. I have spoken to family attorney and if we can get enough people together we can demand our full retail price back from Garmin.

    They obviously have not made this a priority as we should all be getting paid as Beta testers for this garbage. Every day they seem to manufacture another excuse. Enough is enough!

  • Hi Former Member Just downloaded 13.19 (revised) and i noted the following. The connexion issue seems to be highly related to Bluetooth. I ran 3 test : 1 and 2 with trusted device activated, the last one without.

    1- Phone already unlocked and BT connected : works every time on first try

    2- Phone asleep for 1 minute : VA opens immediately after pressing button. VA windows pops-up but watch still shows connecting. For the next 10-15 seconds, the volume bar on the phone will appears and disappears, BT is disconnecting few times . After 15 seconds, it either connects or Garmin times out and say it cannot connect to VA. This is random.

    3- Phone locked and Trusted device remove. Watch never connects to VA but the app start on the phone.

    Pixel Pro 9 

    Hope it helps

  • I've done rollback of google app. It started working on 15.46.36

  • I done as you adviced but for me it doesn't work

  • Did you try it without choosing Gemini?

  • This workaround seems to work for me on Pixel 9 with the latest March update. After the rollback the google app version is 15.45.39.

    There is a subtlety:

    It does not work if I simply uninstall google app updates. At the very least, I need to go through configuration steps of google assistant and then run it once on the phone so that it downloads necessary data. Even with that it may not work. What works is switching to gemini (after the rollback), going through gemini startup steps and opening it once on the phone. After that the watch connects to the digital assistant on the phone. Having connected to gemini from the watch once, I can go into the settings, then gemini settings, then "digital assistants from google" and switch back to Google Assistant.

    I assume this workaround will stop working in a couple of weeks after the next security update from google (I'm guessing the latest version of the google app will be included in the update). I hope Garmin (maybe together with google) fixes this bug by then.

  • Thank you for your experience.

    I follow your indications.  

  • Yes. It may have started once without going through gemini but I realized that I was not paying attention and did not remember if on that try I did or did not setup gemini first. I tried again, making sure to go directly to google assistant after downgrading and this time it did not work.