Golf Yardages not updating - Venu 3


The watch gets the course fine in the last few rounds I have played, but the yardages don't update as you move around the hole. It does seem to move between holes fine, but it only seems to display static yardages, many of which seem to be longer than the hole, almost as if it is taking the yardage to the green from the moment it moves to the new hole.

I can sometimes get it to start updating by moving to a previous hole and then back to the current hole. However, sometimes even this doesn't work. This is not great as the main reason I bought this watch was that I could use it day to day and then on the course, too.

Any help is gratefully received.



  • I downloaded it when it was a beta and confirm it works.

    the golf database has been updated also.  The first time I tried using an existing course, I received an error, unable to load.  I deleted existing downloaded course and reloaded them.  No problems so far.

  • One other note, somewhere along the beat updates my ct club sensors disappeared.

    I would suggest after software update to delete downloaded course and re-add.  Also confirm ct sensors are still in watch.  I had to re-add the sensors.

    Good luck all

  • Hello all. I was able to upgrade my watch to 13.17 and GPS to 13 but it did not fix the problem for me.  It know show’s back of the green yardage as middle and middle yardage is the front of the green yardage. No yardage for back of the green. It’s still glitches and no transition without manually moving it to the next hole. Are we still working on another fix?  
