Golf Yardages not updating - Venu 3


The watch gets the course fine in the last few rounds I have played, but the yardages don't update as you move around the hole. It does seem to move between holes fine, but it only seems to display static yardages, many of which seem to be longer than the hole, almost as if it is taking the yardage to the green from the moment it moves to the new hole.

I can sometimes get it to start updating by moving to a previous hole and then back to the current hole. However, sometimes even this doesn't work. This is not great as the main reason I bought this watch was that I could use it day to day and then on the course, too.

Any help is gratefully received.



  • Tracy, Ive continued to have the problem with 12.11, but it has been better than after 12.10. I always use scoring but do not have sensors in my clubs. After I got home today from my round, I received update 12.12. I will be playing again on Friday and will report the results. Thanks for keeping this support thread going so we can get a permanent resolution. 

  • In the name of setting proper expectations, while we are actively working on a resolution it is not complete and not part of 12.12. We do hope to have a solution ready in the near future.

  • Thank you for setting the proper expectation. I won't report my experience after Fridays round. 

  • thanks for the info.  i too am having major issues and need to get this yardage fixed.  I paid a lot of money just to use the Golf app.  I'm on 12.12; the problem is not fixed yet.  I will continue to wait for a resolution.  

  • For a week, I played 2 courses around paris  which had issues about yardage.

    i was obset when i bought this Watch just after problem.

    ils better, up and down automaticaly from start to the green. I write score and after it works good..

    just 2 Little issues remind, at the start 10 or a Big transfert between 2 hole, it freeze, but a scroll up and down it start again well.

  • My watch has just updated to 13.07. That could be a beta as I was on thatt. Hoping all is now fixed as course reopened today after the snow and frost. Next game booked Tuesday. 

  • I have played 3 rounds with 12.11 watch worked perfectly. Today I played ith 12.12 it worked perfectly. Cannot understand why some are still having problems.

  • I played beta 13.07 yesterday.

    the good news is combo tees finally showed up for the course I played, even though the tees have been in place for over a year.

    the bad news, it contains all the bugs of 12.11, and more.

    distances not updating still is in place with the “normal” move forward a hole thenback, and then it updates, most of the time.

    the other major issue, when I went to enter my score for the first hole, I saw scores for every hole.  It looked like it picked up my prior round.  So I reset all the remaining to zero.  But when I entered the score for the 2nd hole, all scores returned again.  Very frustrating.

    the worst part, is when I synced with connect, the exercise portion showed up in Connect, but the score did not.  Usually I can see the “golf exercise” and the “golf score” as 2 separate entries.  However, the score did show up in the golf app, good news.  Bad news, all the strokes associated with it was from a prior round.

    I wish I could focus on my golf game instead of focusing on guessing whether my garmin is giving me good information or bad.

    I’ve withdrawn from beta program, tired of debugging garmin bugs.

    I hope these problem gets fixed soon so I can focus on my game.  This is a big black.eye for garmin.

  • I saw I had version 13.07 Beta so went and golfed. 

    It is NOT fixed at all. Exactly the same not refreshing between holes. 

    I addition, they introduced a new display bug where under the distance of last shot, you can now see the half blocked fields showing hole number that is unreadable. Either display it or hide it.

    Either way, fix the not refreshing problem!! 

  • HELP - I am getting email slammed with the results of my last two rounds of Golf.  Starting at 3:13am Mountain Time I have received 114 emails repeating the results of two of my last rounds of golf.  How can I get the automated emails to stop?  Thanks