Anyone with Venu 3S - How long is your battery life ?

Hi to everyone. 

My wifes Venu 3S is lasting max of 5 days if run to 0%. 
so normally charged around 20% it will be max 4 days.

This is in smartwatch mode only and no activities. 

Could any other 3S owner chime in and tell me if 10 days advertised is true or not ? I have contacted garmin and I’m about to post it back for repair or we will be pushing for refund if that’s not the case? 


Brightness is set to Auto and Minimum

Screen timeout is Short 

Pulse OX on demand only 

Redshift and do not disturb at night 

No notifications on watch other than calls 

No activities at all consume 20% per day of battery 

with short walk activity it’s 25% 

Advertised as 10 days battery in smartwatch mode with AOD off 

anyone can chime in and give me his stats ? 

many thanks 

  • Just for reference (with the Venu 3), I charged mine Monday morning 7am'ish, it's 8am'ish now on Thursday morning, and with 9 holes of golf using GPS, I'm at 72%

  • Venu 3 much bigger battery but anyway 

    Below is 24h battery drain checked in brand new 3S in purely smartwatch mode , AOD off and no activities, no app notifications:

    - Garmin basic standard face and Bluetooth completely off 4% /24h

    - Garmin basic standard face and Bluetooth on 12% /24h

    - Garmin face with HR and Body Battery and Steps  with Bluetooth on 18% /24h

    - Teko face - rich in data - with Bluetooth on 20% /24h

    So to me it seems watch is working fine. 
    with basic face no data displayed and Bluetooth loosing 12% per day on Smartwatch mode it would last 8 days. 

    However using face with more info even original garmin the drain raises to 18% per day making it max 5 days watch. 
    Teko face is using 2% more days but is nice and have loads of info on screen. 

    Bluetooth itself seems to be using around 8% of power every 24h. Can’t see what’s the point however to have smartwatch that is not connected to Bluetooth so this must remain on. 

    I will just accept 4 days battery and move on

  • Better, but it still doesn't sound right.  I have not used mine with the bluetooth turned off, but I haven't had any battery issues either.  I have the OX sensor set to on-demand, though at one point I had it set to be on while sleeping, and I didn't notice a difference, ie. it must have been small.  In addition, I use a watch face that has even more info than your Teko face - I use "EASY Round".  As for the HR, body battery and steps, I have never changed those, and can see all of them on the watch face.  What if you run one more experiment - set the watch in the default mode with your favorite watch face, ie with HR, body battery, and steps on, but disable bluetooth and see what happens.  Your first one with BT off was promising, but too bad you turned BT back on for the rest of the test.  Do you have another phone you can try this with instead?

    BTW, this may interest you; I just googled the iPhone15 and bluetooth:

  • I actually tested all with no Bluetooth. Teko with all info used 13% over 24h then with Bluetooth it was 20% so my assumption is that Bluetooth is using around 8% per 24h. 

    yes pulse ox is on demand and I too never seen much difference. Aod is off , vibration is on minimum , timeout is short , notifications for calls only and voice for calls is off. 

    basically it’s at its lowest possible settings. 

  • Do you have a bedtime set up for it? I do, so it's probably in a lower power mode during that time.

  • Indeed 

    22-6 with green shift 

  • I had an opertunity to test this (that is a time period when I knew I would not do any activities).  I fully charged the 3S. it its now at 4% after 11 days.  Not bad. sure beats my old vivoactive 4S.

  • Just an update for those interested. I have found the reason behind my battery issues and now have Venu3s with 9-10 days battery … after 4 months Joy

    better late than never I guess Eyes

    I have changed my face to diferent one as didn’t need so much data on it (still custom from garmin store but less data and less battery hungry) , but the real difference came from night settings. 

    thanks to Hokie i have looked into my night settings and despite having night mode 22-6am I had my watch face set to Normal instead of Sleep. 

    so this face even when sleeping and screen is off was using 10% battery ish

    how Shrug tone1‍♂️

    no clue , but since I’ve changed it to Sleep Face at night it is now using 2% at night and 9% at daytime with no activities Muscle tone1

    thanks for suggestions and help. 

  • That's great to hear.

    I use a couple of data rich watch faces and haven't noticed a battery drain.  Both by the same developer.  One is called Big Easy and the other is Easy Round.  Easy Round has about has many fields as you can fit, but I use Big EASY primarily because I like the big digits on the time.

  • Not sure where the drain comes from to be honest. Spoke to developer and he said it is as good as he can do but obviously some data I set uses more than other. Anyway tried other I like and have most data I need and paired with night face it’s great.