Fitness Age Problems

My set up: Venu 3, Index Scales and Index BPM.

I'm having problems with Fitness Age function. When I switched from Venu 2 Plus to Venu 3, my Fitness age jumped 7 years.  This coincided with some travel, so I thought maybe it was due to lack of training.  But the Fitness Age feature seems to be buggy since switching to Venu 3.

Earlier my watch notified me my Fitness Age had lowered to 41, but the Connect App is showing 46.  When I check the App, it informs me that I have 0 of 3 recommended vigourous days per week, but the App also shows my daily average vigourous minutes over past 4 week is ~30 minutes.  My weight is measured daily on the index scales, and my blood pressure every couple of days. 

Is there a known bug in the Fitness Age feature on Venu 3?