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"Back to Start" Function


I've got a proble with "Back to start" fonction.

When I'm walking or runnin with GPS, I make a long press on B button, but I don'f find the option "Back to start".

Can anobody explain me how this feature works ? (screenshoots will be apreciate if possible)

Many thanks.

  • Hello !  When you follow instructions in the FAQ below, do you see the option for "Navigation" in step 2?

    If so, what options do you see after you have selected "Navigation"?
    If not, what options do you see after holding on the B button?
    Can you take a short video and insert it with your reply?
  • Keep in mind the navigation and 'back to start' function on the V2 is going to be very rudimentary ... basically a compass bearing.

  • Hi

    Please find here a little video. As you can see, I don't have the "Back to Start" function.

    Thanks for your help.

  • Hi fallingrock.

    My last watch was a fenix 6S pro. I know this function is not as complete as the one in fenix. But, sometimes, just a compass bearing can help you to find the way to come back.


  • it looks like, in this video, you never connect to GPS.  In the FAQ linked above, the instructions say to first select "Navigation", THEN choose "Back to Start".  So, please try the following:

    1. Open the "Run" activity profile
    2. Wait for a GPS connection
    3. Start timer
    4. Walk or run a short distance
    5. Hold B button
    6. Select "Navigation"
    7. Look for "Back to Start"
  • Garmin-Kevin, in my video, the gps was activated and OK. For the video I was in my garden and do not move. But the gps satut was OK (green bar and ready statut before starting the activity).

    When I run, and when I long press B button, I have only one choice : "Parametres course à pied" (or Running Parameters). I have no other option.

    In the bottom of the screen, I can see the icon which allow me to change the parameters of the watch (the setting icon).

    I have no Navigation option just after the long press on B Button.

    Many thanks

  •  I tried this your procedure but after some walk (with GPS connected) I don't have "Navigation" after hold B button. 
    I have only "Walk settings" "and gear of system settings".
    Same as 

    Here is screenshot (firmware 4.67)


  • Hello all.  I am now able to reproduce this myself as I do not see an option for Navigation any longer.  I have created a support case for out Help Desk and Engineering teams to investigate.  and , I have emailed each of you asking for more information so that I can get you added to the case.  If anyone else can reproduce this issue, please tag me and I will email you as well, requesting this additional information.

  • I have the same issue, even on 5.18

  • J'ai le même problème Le mode navigation a disparu Suite à une mise à jour 4. 67 Via le Garmin Connect sur PC.

    Cette option a fonctionne car tester mais apres la maj , plus rien .

    Le service technique m a demander d attendre une version ameliorer du logiciel pour retrouve l option .