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Bought a Venu 2 and Venu 2S, but both take a long time finding GPS.


Title says it all. Really happy with the watch, and app, but the GPS signal is slow. 
The weird thing is, I thought it would be an extreme upgrade from my 3 year old Huawei Watch GT only costing 159,. However, that one still gets a GPS lock in 2 seconds. Where as my GF and I both are waiting for the Venu's to find GPS before we can start cycling. 

Inside it can't find GPS at all, and outside it still takes up to a minute or even two, where as I was used to a few seconds. 

Is this a common issue, or? 


  • I'm having the same issue with my Venu 2s.  I've had it a few weeks and it takes a few minutes to connect to GPS.  When I go for a walk and it auto starts the activity, it shows my starting point on the map way down the street rather than where I actually started.  

  • All-

    If you are experiencing this issue, please make sure to update your EPO/CPE on the watch before starting your activity.

    What Is EPO or CPE on a Garmin Product?

    After doing this, it is imperative that you wait until the watch confirms that GPS is connected before you press the start button to begin the activity.  If the watch is still not connecting to GPS in 1-2 minutes, please start a new thread.