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Venu 2 display does not turn off...

Former Member
Former Member

My venu 2 display does not turn off when the always on is turned on and so is do not disturb.  It's my understanding that the display will turn off when do not disturb is turned on. This doesn't work though when the always on setting is turned on. Once I turn always on off,  it works fine. I keep finding bugs in this watch like the issue where the watch restarts when creating or editing a garmin watchface. These issues make me think that it was not ready for release. I'm so close to returning this thing and going back to fitbit.  Ugh... cringe. 

  • Dito, quite clearly stated as it puts "for alerts and notifications" at the end of the sentence after vibration and display. I am not an english native but even I understand this. 

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 3 years ago

    Does anyone from Garmin actually read these forums?

  • Yes, I've seen someone named Amber, who I believe is from Garmin, on these forums. 

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 2 years ago in reply to Scott

    But what if you go to bed before the sleep time? If the sleep time starts at 11:00pm but I choose to go to bed at 10:30pm then the display will still be on. It sucks that there isn't an actual theater mode like on samsung where you can turn everything off. 

  • If the sleep time starts at 11:00pm but I choose to go to bed at 10:30pm then the display will still be on.

    True. If I go to bed early I change the start of sleep time. On my Samsung phone I set up a Bixby+ routine that sets the start time to 7PM for just this purpose.

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 2 years ago in reply to Al P

    Garmin should make smarter devices lol

  • It appears that regardless of the end time for sleep that you set in the app, if you wake up before that time and you use the watch to say "I'm not sleeping" it turns off sleep mode. That is easier than going into the app and changing the sleep end time to something earlier than the time you woke up.