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Google Assistant not working after latest update - follow up

I believe this is a [edited] joke. I followed the thread above for like months and basically none of the users which were complaining about the assistant not working for them had one of the device listed in the "Incompatibility list". So my only guess is that you, Garmin, [edited], given that previous thread had over 30k views and decided to just close that one hoping for problem to go away, hoping that people will create many small threads for each incompatibility case. Why do you care less about people ? In my case the assistant does not work for months (even a year maybe), I sent you all kinds of logs, diagnostics and other potentially useful information and you did literally nothing, I've never heard back from you. So I hope this thread (and previous one) will serve as the BIG WARNING FLAG for other people considering buying your watches with Google Assistant. I hope it will work for other people, but in case it wouldn't just don't expect much if any support. Considering this is a watch for like over 400$ it's just a sad joke.

PS. I hope all this people which previously posted in previous thread will also post here to gain some "visibility" of this thread too.


Moderator edited for language

  • FYI that you can tell the Play store to not automatically update apps but that apparently will not apply to the Google app. It updates overnight each day regardless. Uninstalling the updates, rebooting the phone, and resetting the options for personal results on lock screen and headphones each morning will get the assistant working for 1 day.

  • Ho avuto il tuo stesso problema circa 8 mesi fa(riportato anche in altra discussione) ed è così. L'app Google si aggiorna automaticamente evidentemente perché senza nemmeno un aggiornamento della nativa non può stare. Infatti non siamo obbligati con gli ultimi aggiornamenti di Google a dover necessariamente aggiornare. Detto questo io ho risolto con un ulteriore aggiornamento futuro di Google che mi ha sistemato il problema.con l'assistente. Quindi ti consiglio di continuare ad aggiornare Google e segnalarlo al play store il problema in caso contrario sarai costretto a disinstallare continuamente gli aggiornamenti per fare funzionare l'assistente del Garmin. Spero di essere stato chiaro.

  • Doesn't that just tell the story--all that work to get assistant "working for 1 day"?  It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

  • I mean.. yes. I do really love my Garmin but this has been enough to at least get me looking at other options. I had a Samsung Active 2 prior and the thing that drove me away was the battery life. That is still the thing that no one else can match Garmin on. Especially since AOD is a must have for me.

  • Ho avuto il tuo stesso problema circa 8 mesi fa(riportato anche in altra discussione) ed è così. L'app Google si aggiorna automaticamente evidentemente perché senza nemmeno un aggiornamento della nativa non può stare. Infatti non siamo obbligati con gli ultimi aggiornamenti di Google a dover necessariamente aggiornare. Detto questo io ho risolto con un ulteriore aggiornamento futuro di Google che mi ha sistemato il problema.con l'assistente. Quindi ti consiglio di continuare ad aggiornare Google e segnalarlo al play store il problema in caso contrario sarai costretto a disinstallare continuamente gli aggiornamenti per fare funzionare l'assistente del Garmin. Spero di essere stato chiaro.

    "I had the same problem as you about 8 months ago (also reported in another discussion) and this is it. The Google app updates automatically evidently because it cannot exist without even an update to the native one. In fact, with the latest Google updates we are not obliged to necessarily update. Having said that, I solved it with a further future update from Google which fixed the problem with the assistant. So I advise you to continue updating Google and report the problem to the play store otherwise you will be forced to continually uninstall updates to make the Garmin assistant work. I hope I was clear."

    That is interesting to learn. I have tried reporting this assistant issue to Google via their forums in the past and they have always pointed me back to Garmin.

  • A me non hanno risposto e non so nemmeno se hanno preso in considerazione la segnalazione, fatto sta che dopo alcuni aggiornamenti l'assistente di Google ha ripreso a funzionare. Tuttora continuo ad aggiornare l'app Google e l'assistente continua a funzionare  

  • I agree with you that certain Garmin features are better than WearOS or Apple Watch.  This is why I stuck with Garmin for years. 

    Since this mess began, I switched over to a Pixel Watch 2, then a Galaxy Watch 6, and have resigned myself to charging daily or every other day with AOD.  HOWEVER, Google Assistant is running on the watch, so it is much more reliable and faster.  Moreover, I can control my car (and see the charge level), my home automation, remotely control my phone's camera, have a richer messaging experience, and much more.  The watch face is also much more customizable.  Even if Garmin fixed the issue now, it would be hard going back to the more limited feature set.  It's battery life vs. features and integration. 

    I can now use my Galaxy Watch to turn on DND on my Android phone, then have my Android phone to command my iPhone to also go into DND.  All in a single tap!  The next thing will be to use the same trigger to put my home Echo and Google Home Hub devices to do the same.  Since WearOS uses Google Pay, all my cards are supported.  Garmin pay only supported one of my cards.  Also, amazon sells a pocket-sized watch charging power bank, so it helps.  

    Still, I can see that the Venu 2 Plus can be useful for certain times where charging is not practical.  I am watching with morbid curiosity to see if Garmin will ever address the issue other than claiming that the problem is between "you and your phone".  Oh, ok.  I am part of the problem.  Sounds like me and my phone need therapy lol. 

  • How accurate are the rep counters for workouts on your pixel watch? You currently use a Google or Samsung watch?

  • I get what you are saying. Which do you prefer between the Pixel and Galaxy? Is your Android a Samsung? Meaning more features for the Galaxy. I just switched from a Samsung to a Pixel. Also is there a web app for the Galaxy stats? When had my Galaxy you could only look at stats on the phone,

    In Garmin's defense I think they market their watches as more sports / activities focused where the things you are referring to are more Smart watch focused.