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Venu 2 Plus Battery Drain issue

I have found that my Venu 2 Plus that was giving me a battery life of 7-8 days with daily activity of almost 40 minutes is now hardly giving me 3-4 days of battery life.

This has started after i updated to latest Firmware, 15.20.

Another issue i have noticed is with the Bluetooth connectivity with phone. The watch keeps on disconnecting from the phone every now and then, while both of it is well within the Bluetooth range.

Please fix the issue.

  • I wrote that I have the same problem with Veni 2 plus, but I had some time over the weekend and reset the watch. I lost a lot of time to install everything and set it up as usual, but it paid off, after 2 days, including 2 hours with GPS, I have 77%, so everything is back to normal

  • Hello,

    Thank you for taking part in the Forum thread. Please try the tips in this FAQ to maximize battery life: Tips to Extend the Battery Life on a Garmin Fitness Watch

    Please also try this for the bluetooth disconnections: I’m Getting Frequent Bluetooth Connection Alerts on My Garmin Watch

    If you continue to experience the same disruptions, please reach out to your local Garmin Support team. 

  • I have the same problem with this update, from 7 days to 3 days with the same use.

    But bt connection is ok

  • I noticed a 2 day drop in battery life overnight and not wearing the watch. 

    This is after a reset.

    The SW version 16.11 

  • I am also having a major battery drain issue with my Venu 2- I charged my watch to 100% yesterday. I just received a notice that I should put my watch in battery saver mode. That is less than 24 hours... And no activity during. My pulse ox is not enabled. This is problematic.

  • I'm having the extreme battery drain issue as of a couple weeks ago, also started after a software update. Watch barely lasts 2 days. I'm currently on version 16.11, though I believe it started with the update before that.

  • Same here, I have updated firmware to 16.11. A couple days after that I have tried to update it again - watch hanged displaying "downloading" (probably not true, because there was not anything to download). I restarted it, and now it drains 30% per day.
    When i go to settings and check for new versions - it hangs with "downloading" message.

  • I also have this problem with my Venu 2 plus since an update. After 2-3 days the battery needs to be recharged. I nearly disabled all functions to reduce the battery consumption. I bought my Venu 2 plus a few month ago and I have used it round about 6-8 days with all options activated. Now with all options diabled the watch need to bee recharged afetr 2-3 days. Also the charging changed, sometimes it takes up to 2 hours and today it was chaged in 30 minutes. 

    Some suggestions here? Or should I ask for a gurantee case at supplier?

  • I have noticed since a full recharge and turning off all bluetooth settings the watch has gone 

    back to normal - One day battery drop day by day. 

  • Same here. 

    There is no issue with bluetooth connection - as you recommended to check. 

    Also, there is nothing to improve from your tips to extend the battery life.

    I am using the watches really similar for last 6 months and the battery drain started as other people suggest. So please, try to fix it and don't give us vague responses.