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Google Assistant not working after latest update

Hi! SInce the 11.16 update, Google Assistant doesn't seem to work anymore on the watch. It manages to initiate Google Assistant on the phone, it lights up and understands what I'm saying, but it doesn't relay it back to the watch. It stays on "Connecting to Voice Assistant" for 10 seconds, until it says in red "Could not connect to voice assistant."

I have enabled all appropriate settings and permissions, including Assistant on Lock Screen. It worked fine with 10.18 and I think 11.14 SW.

  • My Sena Bluetooth helmet is just the same when connected to my Pixel Fold.

  • Is everyone having issues on Google(app) beta? 

  • and , try rolling the Google app to an earlier version (go to Play Store, uninstall, which will wipe data and cache, and uninstall the Google app, defaulting back to the version bundled with your last firmware update).  This will likely get things working again, but it's not a permanent solution.  This issue seems pervasive across all Garmin watches.  I wish Garmin would step up and at least acknowledge the issue and provide us with a status on what they are doing about it.

  • I have a Garmin D2 Air 10 which is the same hardware. Mine hasn't worked for months now...also can't make any calls through the speaker or microphone working. I got this watch for those functions as a whole now I can't use it so the watch is a dud for me. I could have gotten a Xiaomi or some Chinese brands for a fraction of the price that actually work 

  • It's not Android 13. I'm on 12. I was on the phone with guys at Garmin for 1h. Looks like they are trying the app with Pixel 8 and it works. If they modeled the software with Pixel phone only, maybe they expect us all to have a Pixel. I am not sure the people I talked to actually know what's going on since I keep explaining then that the D2 Air 10 is the same hardware as Veni 2 plus but they keep saying "no". Please pass the info to the engineers not Bob from his seat who's reading scripts.

  • It's NOT working on Pixel 8/Pro.  I do not believe it has to do with Android versions.  It has to do with the Google app update.  Garmin watches are different than, say, WearOS in that Garmin acts like an earbud invoking Google Assistant.  Something changed in the Google app that is keeping the Google Assistant from being invoked by the Garmin watch.  It's possible that Google introduced a new API or command set and deprecated what Garmin was using.   There are plenty of reports that the Venu 2 Plus and Venu 3 are not working on the latest Google app.  Garmin needs to step up.

  • Asking Garmin to understand Android is a big ask. 
    They barely understand iOS.
    And they don't understand other Germin departments at all. 

  • It was wokring correctly on firmware 15.20 even after upgrading to android 14.
    When the watch updated to firmware 16.11 it stopped working.
    Phone pixel 6a

  • that's funny. Thanks for sharing. the guy at Garmin over the phone said he has a Pixel Pro and went to pick up a D2 Air 10 and set it up and said it's working....Obviously, they were trying to get me off the line. Not only that Voice doesn't work, I can't use the watch speaker for call either. Brightness is all over the place and the "button vibrate" doesn't work anymore either...

  • FWIW I just switched phones from a Samsung to a Pixel and now I have this issue too.