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Google Assistant not working after latest update

Hi! SInce the 11.16 update, Google Assistant doesn't seem to work anymore on the watch. It manages to initiate Google Assistant on the phone, it lights up and understands what I'm saying, but it doesn't relay it back to the watch. It stays on "Connecting to Voice Assistant" for 10 seconds, until it says in red "Could not connect to voice assistant."

I have enabled all appropriate settings and permissions, including Assistant on Lock Screen. It worked fine with 10.18 and I think 11.14 SW.

  • This is indeed a total joke. Too just occasionally hear "This has been escalated. ", and then months of silence and nothing changes is absolutely ridiculous. Garmin said it was fixed and would be in the next update. To get it sooner it would be in the next Beta. Yet here we are. Mine has worked like 9 time in nine months.

  • So posting the issue here feels like a waste of time as nobody from Garmin appears to care.

    Would it now make sense to post the issue on Amazon reviews section. I'm in the Uk and would be more than happy to share with the rest of the world. People should know that Garmin are struggling to support watches and features that should work and don't.

    I'll be adding my thoughts so others are aware.

  • Frustratingly enough it magically started working for about 24 hours.   Venu 3 triggered GA on P8Pro on lockscreen reliably every time.  I didn't make any changes that I could think of.  As an experiment I tried turning off the phone and back on.   And now it no longer works again.   Mic comes up but then shuts down before assistant comes up.   No idea what caused it to work and then not work.  It definitely can work though Disappointed

  • Wow how interesting.  Keep trying and see if it works again :) 

  • Nuovo problema con l'assistente vocale dopo aggiornamento software 16.11. Premesso che a me l'assistente funziona, ho notato che il volume è nettamente basso quasi non udibile. Ho pensato inizialmente ad un problema dell'altoparlante ma così non è perché se riproduco un audio da YouTube si rialza(è comunque basso da quando c'è lho) ma non si può regolare tramite apposito volume(lampeggia ad intermittenza) Ci sono continui bug dopo ogni aggiornamento se Garmin non risolve prima che scada la garanzia mi vedrò costretto a inviarlo  nuovamente in assistenza.

  • It worked consistently for me during months and now not working anymore.... I didn't change anything.

    Pixel 7 Android 14

  • I ended up getting this working by "uninstalling" the Google app in the Google Play store.  This seems to just roll back to the previous version of the Google app.   Then when activating google assistant it asked me to setup a few things again, but now it seems to reliably trigger the assistant from the lock screen.   I haven't tried restarting my phone to see if that breaks it again.   I'll just leave it as is for now.  Not ideal to not be on latest Google app, but at least it works now

  • Nice find! Worked for me. I also updated it and it still seems to work. Haven't rebooted yet.

  •  thanks for reporting your findings (great job!) and for confirming.  This is great news.  I don't see how rebooting could affect function, but I'd be interested to hear how things are working in a couple of days and if you have rebooted during that time.  

    what inspired you to roll back the Google app?

  • Hey,

    It stopped working for me so I'm going to uninstall it again as per Chris' advise. 

    It stopped working shortly after upgrading it. The Google app reconfigured itself 2x, once after upgrade and then once more sometimes later and then it stopped working.