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Garmin Venu 2 Plus (V 8.12) Battery Drain seems to be related to Bluetooth settings

I received my Garmin watch on March 4th.

I registered it and updated to the latest software V8.12

I downloaded some analog watch faces    

I left the factory default settings on and everything seemed to be working fine

On March14th I recharged the watch while I was taking a shower.  It was at 100%

Later in the evening of March 14th, I had a warning to put the watch in the "Battery Saver" mode because the watch had depleted to 10% remaining,  after only 10 hours!  

I recharged it to 100% before I went to bed.  In the morning of March 15th,  the battery was down to 59%.

I talked to Garmin customer support  and they said they alerted engineering about the issue.

I recharged the watch again on  March16th  and it started to behave again.  

This morning, March 20th, 4 days after my  last recharge)  my watch was still at 73%!

I misplaced my phone in the morning of March 20th, so I used my watch to locate my phone.  I noticed that the Bluetooth phone setting was off on my Venu 2 Plus.  I assumed it was always on.    I touched on the Bluetooth icon to ring my phone.  I found my phone and went on with my activities.  I did not receive or make any phone calls.

Later  on March 20th I looked at my battery status and it went down to 66%  at 12;45 PM........then 62% at 1:45 PM......then 54% at 3:36 PM......and then 49% at 4:56 pm.   At 4:56 PM I tapped the watch and turned OFF the phone bluetooth icon on the watch.  It is now 7:06 PM and the battery status still shows 49%.   The battery drain must be related to the bluetooth circuitry.

Bluetooth should not cause this kind of drain when in "standby" (no conversations taking place)   I have earbuds that get 240 hours (10 days) in bluetooth standby.

I will be calling Garmin again to share these observations.  

  • Can confirm, I have the exact same problems. The watch obviously already never made the advertised battery life, but with bluetooth on it just drains to 0% at top speed.

  • Mine is doing this too. I am charging my phone daily, but if I turn off the bluetooth then I won't get any notifications come through.

  • Yes, it seems that the issue got even worst since the latest Connect App update.

    I had started a thread on the APP forum, to see if we receive an answer from Garmin. What worries me is that this issue and similar connectivity issues had been reported for more than 2 months and it seems that in their effort to fix the problem they had worsened.

  • Thanks. I'll have a look at that thread.

  • Initially the venu 2 plus gave the same battery problem, and the problem was due precisely to the bluetooth ... to solve it I performed 2-3 hard reset 

  • wow,  that sounds very Neanderthal that Garmin's firmware engineers have customers resort to such a resolution!   This should have been resolved prior to release and only new features should require a software update. 

  • As of this past Saturday, mine started the battery drain as well.  It worked well for the last few months but now is lasting only about 2.5 days before I get the 10% battery warning.

  • I guess I should mention I'm running SW version 8.15 which I assume is because I'm in Indonesia.  Interestingly enough, I contacted Garmin USA (I only speak English) and they told me the watch needed to be exchanged.  However, in order to do that I'd need to go through Garmin Indonesia.  Who knows at this point.  Garmin USA seemed very proactive to exchange it which was nice.  Hopefully, Garmin Indonesia is aware of the issue and is as proactive.

  • My watch is actually a replacement  because my original watch developed this problem after 2 weeks.  My new watch developed this problem after 1 week and I turned off the bluetooth  after starting this thread.   Yesterday I turned on the bluetooth,  and it seems to be behaving.   I have not touched any other setting during that time period of having the Bluetooth turned off. I am not sure what causes the  Bluetooth to go into a the battery draining mode.

    After seeing normal battery draw after turning on the Bluetooth for 2 days,  I woke up this morning and my watch was down to 21%.  Once again I did not touch any other settings other that turning on Bluetooth.

  • All-

    I’m sorry to hear of the battery drain issues that you’re experiencing.  Let’s start by power cycling (turning off and then back on) your watch.  If the battery drain persists and if you have any Connect IQ (CIQ) Content, especially watch faces, you may need to delete that content until the independent developer is able to update their app/watch face to function correctly (without causing a battery drain) with the new firmware version on your watch.  You can use any of the 3 FAQs below to uninstall the CIQ content.

    How to Uninstall Connect IQ App Content Using the Connect IQ App

    How to Uninstall Connect IQ Content Using Garmin Express

    How to Uninstall Connect IQ Content Using the Garmin Connect App

     If you would like to submit feedback to the developer of the CIQ content, you can do so by clicking the link below and searching for the download page of the CIQ content.  In the bottom right corner of that page, you will find the option to contact the developer.

    If you have not already reached out to your local Garmin support team, we highly recommend doing that as well: