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Garmin Venu 2 Plus (V 8.12) Battery Drain seems to be related to Bluetooth settings

I received my Garmin watch on March 4th.

I registered it and updated to the latest software V8.12

I downloaded some analog watch faces    

I left the factory default settings on and everything seemed to be working fine

On March14th I recharged the watch while I was taking a shower.  It was at 100%

Later in the evening of March 14th, I had a warning to put the watch in the "Battery Saver" mode because the watch had depleted to 10% remaining,  after only 10 hours!  

I recharged it to 100% before I went to bed.  In the morning of March 15th,  the battery was down to 59%.

I talked to Garmin customer support  and they said they alerted engineering about the issue.

I recharged the watch again on  March16th  and it started to behave again.  

This morning, March 20th, 4 days after my  last recharge)  my watch was still at 73%!

I misplaced my phone in the morning of March 20th, so I used my watch to locate my phone.  I noticed that the Bluetooth phone setting was off on my Venu 2 Plus.  I assumed it was always on.    I touched on the Bluetooth icon to ring my phone.  I found my phone and went on with my activities.  I did not receive or make any phone calls.

Later  on March 20th I looked at my battery status and it went down to 66%  at 12;45 PM........then 62% at 1:45 PM......then 54% at 3:36 PM......and then 49% at 4:56 pm.   At 4:56 PM I tapped the watch and turned OFF the phone bluetooth icon on the watch.  It is now 7:06 PM and the battery status still shows 49%.   The battery drain must be related to the bluetooth circuitry.

Bluetooth should not cause this kind of drain when in "standby" (no conversations taking place)   I have earbuds that get 240 hours (10 days) in bluetooth standby.

I will be calling Garmin again to share these observations.