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Lily Body Battery Stuck at 5%

I've had the Lily smartwatch for just over a week now.  The first 2 days, the body battery would register/charge my rest and sleep.  Then suddenly it would show very high-stress readings (even during meditation, breathing exercises, and deeply restful moments).  The body battery at that point sticks at 5%, with no charges or depletions (even with exercise).  I did a factory reset which seemed to make everything work again, showing charging at rest, normal stress levels, and charging/depletion of the body battery.  Now it is doing the same, showing 5% body battery, not charging at all during sleep, not registering restful moments.  Also, the respiration rate always shows the same number, even when doing long stretches of HRV breathing exercises at 5.5 or 6 breaths per minute.  The only time it registers a different respiration rate is when I perform the watch's breathwork activity.  Is there a fix for these issues other than factory resetting every other day? (Sorry if this has already been addressed, or if posted in wrong place).  Thank you!

  • I'm having the same issues. I've had the device for just over two weeks.

    I did a soft reset on the device and it was ok for about 12 hours. Then it's back and stuck at five again.

    According to my stress levels, I was ranging between medium and high stress all night last night!

  • This is now happening to my watch as well. I had my watch for about 3 weeks, and this happened after I reset my watch. 2 weeks after having the watch, the tap-to-display functionality stopped working. So I reset the settings and then the gestures went back to normal. However, the body battery is now forever stuck in 5. No matter how much I rest, the number doesn't change. This was previously working without any problems. Any solution to this please? This watch has a few features for its price, so I want to utilize all of them as much as possible. 

  • Me too. I just got it a very days ago and yesterday spent over 10 hours in a state of high stress. And my body battery won’t recharge at all even if I sleep 9 hours. I haven’t had it a full week yet though. 

  • Hello! Are you still experiencing the body battery stuck at 5? Is your HR high while you sleep? Or do you feel your HR is accurate while you sleep?

  • Hey! We will need you to have the device at a minimum for a week to adjust to your body, then we can revisit if need be! 

  • Mine's back to normal now. It's functioning properly and even better, I think. I just always wore it even though the body battery and stress level measurements are stuck to 5 and high. I also didn't charge it until the battery totally ran out and waited around a day before recharging it. 

  • Yes still stuck. It’s between 60-75 when I sleep. Is that high?

  • Hi I've been wearing my Lily every day for 4 weeks now and the body battery has been stuck at 5 basically the whole time with no charge or drain. I think on only 3 random days did it change. 

    Please can I have some technical support with this?


  • Hi there,

    Has Garmin solved this problem for you?? 
    I’m having exactly the same issue right now. I have bought the watch as a gift cause I wear a Vivo and I wanted her to get a somewhat similar experience. But right now I feel ashamed cause Lily seems not to work properly