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Lily Body Battery Stuck at 5%

I've had the Lily smartwatch for just over a week now.  The first 2 days, the body battery would register/charge my rest and sleep.  Then suddenly it would show very high-stress readings (even during meditation, breathing exercises, and deeply restful moments).  The body battery at that point sticks at 5%, with no charges or depletions (even with exercise).  I did a factory reset which seemed to make everything work again, showing charging at rest, normal stress levels, and charging/depletion of the body battery.  Now it is doing the same, showing 5% body battery, not charging at all during sleep, not registering restful moments.  Also, the respiration rate always shows the same number, even when doing long stretches of HRV breathing exercises at 5.5 or 6 breaths per minute.  The only time it registers a different respiration rate is when I perform the watch's breathwork activity.  Is there a fix for these issues other than factory resetting every other day?

  • Hi,

    I’m having the same problems. Bought the watch as a gift 3 weeks ago. I imagined that the watch had to “learn” but now I feel somehow ashamed cause my Vivo works well - yet this issue now makes me doubt about it as well.

    Is there any solution apart from hard resetting the Lily? 

    Many thanks,


  • This issue has happened a couple times to my wife where it gets stuck at 5% for a couple days.  We found by accident that if you let it charge overnight without anyone wearing it, the body battery seems to get unstuck and jumps back up to in the 80% range.   On a similar note, instructions mention a "soft reset" but I cannot get this watch to ever restart itself no matter how many times I plug/unplug it to a charger or a PC by USB.  I suspect if there was a way to actually reboot it that may do the trick.

    • Hello I also bought the Garmin Lily like 3 weeks ago and wear it constantly except during shower ir bath. If I completely reset it the bidy battery goes up. it goes down day by day until 5% and does not load anymore independent if I have stressful day or calm down. i am in Austria. Advice appreciated, thank you
  • I have the save problem with the body battery on my Lily. Have done a reset and it goes up and left it for 7 days as per their advice but still returns to 5. Went up when charged it overnight but went down to 5 within a few days. My stress levels on the body battery during sleep are high as well and doesn't show sleep before 4am which is wrong.