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Need lots of pressure to turn on or change user

Hi, according to the instructional videos I've seen, it only needs a gentle tap with the ball of the foot to turn on or change user, but mine, I need to bang it with my heel to perform such action. Even putting my full 150 lbs weight on one foot on the scale has no effect. Is this normal or is my scale having issues? It's been like that since I bought it last December. It's resting on a ceramic floor without the spacers attached. Running V3.30.

Asking here before opening a support ticket.


  • Just a light tap on the side is all I do - S2 does not activate with touch of foot

  • Hum, ok, two days in a row, when I lightly tap it in the EVENING, it wakes up. But that doesn't work in the morning? Is my scale a late sleeper lol?

  • Is my scale a late sleeper lol?

    Yeah, maybe. Rofl When tapping from the side, the scale actually moves slightly. In this case, it always wakes up and is ready for a weigh-in at that point.