3.30 Wi-Fi Updates

Dear all,

is 3.30 a joke? Since it was installed automatically my scale is not transferring any data to Garmin Connect.
I have removed the WiFi and reconnected it, test is okay. But no data is transferred since Thursday.

  • Why don't you share the solution with all of us?

  • Mine wont even get the 3.30 update says

    • Software is up to date — Version 3.11
    • Synced Saturday, Sep 30 at 3:59 PM

    Absolute pile of garbage useless product, may as well stand on a pile of money. Sync hasn't worked in over 6 months when it did work it was sporadic and only updated sometimes.

    Now it will connect to Garmin Connect but won't bother picking up users either. Reset it 1000 times, tried My Index S2 Scale No Longer Syncs Data | IndexTm S2 Smart Scale | Garmin Support

    with a hotspot as a new network, contacted live chat support who once I told Lee I had tried the above link he quit the live chat.

    S*it product, non-existent support may as well wipe your *ss with the money

  • Hi all, bought some S2's 2 weeks ago and am constantly having to press reset button for Connect to show scales as having a connection and have done a full reset 3 times due to scales not syncing. I have tried 2 different WiFi networks.
    I am also getting this on the display too often (note no WiFi icon, only Bluetooth) and when it appears I have to wait at least 5 minutes for it to clear, even then Connect doesn't show as having sync'd with the scales.

    I can only presume that my issue is the same as everyone on here... Spoke to support last week and got the usual links to their support pages that I'd already tried.

    Not what I expected for the price!!

       as you posted the FW 3.30 update - any ideas?

  • Hi Duggs.  The exact same problem here.  I bought the new S2s and received them a few days ago.  They cannot connect to my wifi.  I have the up to date version 3.30 so that's not the issue.  I had the previous index scales which were working a dream for 7 years and stopped working 2 weeks ago.  I thought the scales were old and broken so bought the new ones.  Therefore I know my wifi is compatible with the wifi requirements for the scales.  I have other garmin devices so I am not totally clueless to adding devices onto my account.  I have tried all the trouble shooting methods numerous times already.  All I get is a message no network found!  I spoke to garmin support today which was a complete waste of time.  He wanted access into my computer via a link - I refused as I believe that the issue is with an update on the garmin connect.  I would not trust garmin with my computer as who knows what would get messed up! or security breach!  Garmin Support did not admit or comment to my theory of the update on the garmin connect app as being the issue.  The only advice I got was either return for a refund or return for replacement.  I think the replacement will be the same!  The Garmin Support chap said he has a set of index scales and used them perfectly well this morning, well good for him!  Like you I have tried al the usual links and advice from their support pages numerous times.  I am annoyed they are selling products knowing that people have wifi connection issues.  Plus I had a perfectly good set of old index scales which I believe garmin have mucked up with some update.  Also I do not want to be logging into a hotspot network with no security protection and costing me more money for the privilege, just to weigh myself to sync with my account.

    I would be interested if anyone else has had some solutions yet or is everyone paying good money for a limited product of a shiny set of bathroom scales.

  • Well Garmin Support could not offer any solution to me today.  New S2 scales will not sync with wifi.  Wifi known to be compatible as had the old index scales and nothing has changed for wifi requirements.  Message keeps coming up network not found.  GS cannot offer any advice.  They do not acknowledge my theory re GC update which has caused this problem.

  • After my input comments yesterday on my new index S2.  I did connect to the personal hotspot, connected it as an additional wifi network and the scales did connect and finished the set up on GC.  I used my scales this morning on my normal wifi router connection, did not have the personal hotspot open or on and it now connects and syncs.  I am still at a loss as to why I needed to have the personal hotspot to do this as I said before the old index connected and synced no issues with the same wifi router.  Anyway we will see how long it lasts!