Index S2 Scale does not display any metrics except weight, BMI for additional users

I bought an Index S2 scale a few months ago, and it shows all the measurements for me, but as I added an additional user it shows only weight and BMI. We do everything according the user manual. 

  • Same issue here, new scale, no fat, bone or water metrics. Only weight. I am almost certain that it worked when I tried it the first time. I also reset the device 

  • Found it, loose wire to the glass plate. Was easy to solder back. Now it shows the fat metrics and so on. Scale is easy to open. 2 screws near the battery and the edges can be done by your  nails (click system) 

    Wire loose (red),under green circuit board. 

  • I'm also the second user and I had the same issue. 6 months later I solved the issue by inputting my birth date into Garmin Connect and updated initials/username.
    First weighting showed old results but triggered syncing. Then weighted second time it showed updated name and finally all the other metrics. (Also check if Advanced Body Metrics are enabled in Connect app/website)

  • Add me to the list of annoyed users who can’t get shared users to see anything more than weight and bmi. My old lady has started using our old dummy scale again, since the index also struggles to wake up if you don’t catch it on the first go.

  • So did you try to open the scale and check the wire? i heard this is the issue more often. it's easy to do, just the screws next to the batteries, click the back panel loose (like with a laptop back panel) and remove the circuit board. soldering should be easy or ask a colleague or friend or something. anyway 5 mins of work to cross this out. I look forward to your findings. 

  • We added my partner's age to her profile, and also changed her 4 digit initials, and it is now showing her additional metrics. Hardware check was going to be a last resort. I'm not convinced the initials change made a difference, but maybe having the age in there effected the results.....?

  • I also faced this problem, unfortunately, I had to create another account for the additional user, otherwise the data in the additional user was incomplete

    Я також зіткнувся з даною проблемою, нажаль, для додаткового користувача прийшлось створити інший обліковий запис, інакше дані в додаткового користувача були неповні