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Body Fat % on Index S2 Smart Scale Seems Inaccurate part2

you have locked last discussion promissing a new update cominng by the end of q3 update cykle. We are at the end of Q4 and there is still no FW update. Any new information you could share with us? Thanks

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  • S2 Body Fat not accurate - Index S2 Smart Scale - Health & Wellness - Garmin Forums

    We are aware of the issue and are committed to making improvements to address it.  Within the next quarter, we plan to release an update that will address inexplicable wide swings in body fat readings, however we are also planning long term improvements to further improve accuracy.  More specifically, we’ve been investing in additional R&D and are in the midst of a large scale study to collect data from a broad distribution of users.  This data will be used to reevaluate and improve our algorithms.  We are not currently in a position to provide a definitive timeline for the longer term improvements since the study is ongoing and improvements will require validation.  We recognize that many of our customers have been waiting for improvements and we are working urgently to deliver a solution.

    This thread is 5 months old, hence my crickets comment.

  • This thread is 5 months old, hence my crickets comment.

    Understood. But it seemed like you were suggesting that they never responded. Hopefully we'll get a fix at some point, whether that's the end of the quarter, which is fast approaching, or sometime in the coming months. Pray I'm not jumping ship yet, but I might if things don't start happening.

  • Good morning - its Q4 now. Whats going on? 

    Good morning, Former Member, I don't think your incessant posts are working. Slight smile Personally, if I were that bothered by the state of the Index S2 body fat readings, I'd call (on the phone) Garmin Support. At least you'd get an answer, even if it's something like "no update planned" or "first we've ever heard of this." Additionally, it would be logged in Garmin's official ticketing system. The forum is not the official channel for reporting issues. You might get an answer here, but certainly not guaranteed. I wish you luck.

  • It may go a bit far sometimes, but this forum is really very valuable. For new buyers, current users and for Garmin itself. It is quite an enthusiastic involved community. Garmin knows that and that's why it's special that they can't offer a solution until now.

  • I think the same.... the solution is not posting everyday asking for an answer.

    But neither , as my own experience can confirm, opening a ticket.

    Mine is still open since 2021/5/12 so 1 year and 7 months.

    Still no fix. I cannot send my scale back and everyday I have to change my age before and after using the scale to get a more or less BF% accurate value

  • FWIW you probably don't have an open ticket - i was jsut on the phone with garmin support about a separate issue so enquired about this and was told my ticket from nearly 2 years ago had actually been closed. they are working on "something" though...

    i got them to open a new ticket for me so that they can notify me as and when they might think they have a fix so i can tell them whether or not they actually do

  • Surely it's closed but I haven't received any notification about it. Neither updates or closure the ticket.

    So as I said it's not either a viable way to solve the issue.

  • For those of you considering the Withings Body Plus scale, lets just say the grass is not always greener.  Initially the scale measured my body fat % as 18.1%.  After I changed it to Athlete mode my body fat % came down to 7.9%.  Personally I dont think either measurement is close to being right.  About 5 years ago I was measured at 11% but I expect that to have increased a bit since I am not running as much as I used to.  Compared to the S2 which measured me at 23% I suppose the Withings is a bit better but its data does not integrate with Garmin Connect unless I use the smartscalesync service.  I may go back to the S2 just for the convenience of integration.