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Body Fat % on Index S2 Smart Scale Seems Inaccurate

My new scale seems to give me a wildly different reading than my old one. I was previously using a Weight Guru's scale which gave me a body fat percentage between 18 and 19 percent which seems reasonable given my overall weight and fitness level. The new Garmin scale shows me over 26% body fat. Both scales show identical weight so what gives with the wild body fat numbers? 

  • Body fat % showed by index s2 scale depends on age or fitness activity which you set up. So garmin thinks that if you are male, above 30, with average sports activity, you cannot be slim. For me, when scale shows few % of body fat  more it's not a big problem, due more important is the trend. But that also doesn't work. My other scale shows that my % of body fat goes down slowly, but in garmin it's a lottery, but rather up then down. Pity. I was waiting for new Fenix 7, but to be honet, after this issue with scale, I decided not to update my Fenix 6. We just have to accept fact that we all lost money. We have nice looking scale without extra functionality. In my opinion update will not come.

  • Yup basically this and the complete indeference by garmin to fix this means next time i refresh watch scales and various other bits  i will not bother with garmin

  • Well to add to it I just notice my Smart Scale has not updated yet... 

  • While I'm still a bit skeptical, I found something about Index S2 use that I wasn't following:

    "Activities that temporarily impact your body's weight, hydration, and distribution of water can impact the accuracy of measurements. Garmin® recommends waiting two hours before using the device after eating, drinking, exercising, bathing, or visiting a sauna."  Elsewhere, they also suggest you keep the scale surface clean, and while mine is not filthy, its a flat surface that collects a bit of dust and has definitely not been pristine for every weigh-inl.

    While finding a time-of-day when I haven't done any of the above things for two hours will be challenging, my investment in Garmin paraphernalia demands that I at least see the results I get if I do what they're telling me.  I had been using it immediately after showering, and virtually always within two hours of consuming either coffee or electrolyte water.

    Color me dubious, but we'll see...

  • Makes no difference - I weigh in at 0600 before I do anything 

  • I have decided to return this scale. 

    I'm a runner, work out 7 days a week, top 1% VO2 Max according to Garmin, BMI 22. Garmin scale measures my body fat 27% - 30%, sometimes during the same day with same weight. Gym scale says 24%. My husband is 70+pound heavier than me, not really working out, 27% body fat. Like some previous comments, I also suspect Garmin references average body fat according to age and gender. Nice try to make up hardware limitations with software calculations... But the data pool or methodology obviously not working. 

  • Well you are not alone.

    I'm an accountant, crazy about numbers and accuracy. Been working from home ever since pandemic so I'm able to test the scale anytime. Followed the instructions to letter, body fat numbers are still jumping up and down all over the place. Not even the trending makes any sense.