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Body Fat % on Index S2 Smart Scale Seems Inaccurate

My new scale seems to give me a wildly different reading than my old one. I was previously using a Weight Guru's scale which gave me a body fat percentage between 18 and 19 percent which seems reasonable given my overall weight and fitness level. The new Garmin scale shows me over 26% body fat. Both scales show identical weight so what gives with the wild body fat numbers? 

  • Let me guess. Are you over 50 and relatively athletic? Contrary to the impedance calculation asserted again and again by Garmin, the Index2 probably uses a simple algorithm based on age and average body fat. It is unclear whether this is a bug or an intention, in any case Garmin has so far persistently refused to do anything about it, or even to acknowledge the problem. A tip for you: Set the date of birth in Garmin Connect 20-30 years later and, miraculously, the BodyFat is correct ;-)

  • Wow, you called it. I changed my birthday and the body fat % went down to 19% from 26. If changing my birthday changes the body fat % then we are not really measuring body fat. 19% should be 19% at any age. 26% should be 26% at any age. The only reason I bought this rather expensive scale was to track my body fat percentage. This scale is useless to me. It's no more than a cheap bathroom scale with a fancy interface that lies. It call into question other Garmin products that claim to take body metrics. Should I waste my money on that Garmin watch or is it junk like the scale.  I'm thinking I'll just save my money for now. What sat yee Garmin moderators. any words on the subject. 

  • Bump, hello Garmin people, any reason for this happening? I get a wacky body fat reading, changing my birthday changes the reading by a wild amount. What gives? 

  • It call into question other Garmin products that claim to take body metrics.

    Pretty much. For example pace shown on Garmin Fenix 6X is a pure fantasy that is consistently off by a large margin. The same often applies to the wrist based HR. 

    And then a number of other metrics derive from HR and pace. 

  • Anyways what are u guys doing with my Work vehicle software.

  • Hello all.  We do have an open case for this report.  If you would like to be added to this report, please tag me and I will email you for some additional information.

  • Hi Kevin

    i logged a ticket about these issues months back (Ref:19219387K0) so am hopefully already on the report but have heard absolutely nothing. can we please get an update on what garmin are doing about this widespread failure of their product and when we might expect a resolution?

  • Please add me to the open case too , thanks.