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Index Smart Scale entire screen flashing white

Index Smart Scale, entire screen flashing white. Only a month old and it happened over night so no one was using it at the time. Had to take batteries out to fix. Why did that happen?

  • Same thing happened to me today. Scale is 4 months old, got it for the new year. Removed and re- inserted the batteries and seems to be working again. TBH, I have the scale, a Garmin 1030, tacx neo 2T, and venu 2 watch. Foolishly, I thought I could use everything together for superior fitness tracking. 
    None of these items ever works flawlessly. The tacx and 1030 seldom communicate together properly.
    The venu 2 is missing half the useful stuff that you want but you really need to wear 3 different Garmin watches if you happen to be someone who god forbid cycles, works out, runs, or happens to be a multi sport person interested in multiple forms of fitness. Please Garmin, just make 1-2 watches that can do it all not 10 that can each do one thing. 

    Now the scale is the last to have issues. 

    Sorry for the rant, but I think I’m sadly done with this brand. Way over hyped and over priced with poor pairing amongst all their items.

  • Same here today after 1.5 years with no issues. Changed batts with fresh set now I get low battery error! Tested batts with meter, all 1.54VDC. Will throw in a different set for laughs...

  • Seems ok now, put in another fresh set but also stretched the battery springs a bit, they were not holding the batts very tightly...sigh

  • I just witnessed this this morning.  I did the same thing - took out a battery to turn it off, then slid it back in.  Took my weight as per usual, no errors or anything, back to usual. 

    Got this S2 around 2020.  No idea if this has been happening before while nobody's looking then stopping by itself.