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Body Fat% is a way off PART2

as the other thread is closed by 

It can't be that the same fat value is always displayed, it can't be normal, all other values ​​change, the fat value is always 7 for every measurement, regardless of which activity class you choose?

Garmin's explanations cannot explain it in that way!

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    • Consent to be added to an internal case - consent given
    • Consent to access your Garmin Connect account (if needed) - consent given
    • What device/test are you comparing your Index readings to -  inBody health measurement by doctor and mirror 
    • What does your Index S2 display vs what does your reference device display - 24,5% on S2 against 15% by inBody 
    • What is your activity class set to, and is this appropriate for your activity level - 8  (every day training / avg running 300km per month)

    Even my wife has strange number : 34%  on S2 against 22% by InBody (Her activity level is 5) 

    Hope this dont break my trust to garmin. Please fix it. Thank you 

  • while the S1 shows vastly different values, which are realistic to our real body

    To be honest, this is a surprise for me. 

    I have the Index "1" and I know a lot of people that have all 7% body fat. 

  • Funny... All "faulty" BF measurements reported here are consistently 10-12% higher than what they (supposedly) should be. Either a funny coincidence or a maybe a pattern...?

    To be honest though, I always found BF measurement on a scale to be hit or miss. One can be lucky with one scale and unlucky with another, while for someone else it's the other way around with the very same scales. Therefore I think that comparing scales does not tell anything at all... Only a real BF measurement done with reliable instruments by a person who knows what he/she is doing will have a real comparing value (as some seem to have done).

  • I just called Garmin support and got an RMA no questions asked.  Not sure what's going on, they did say they were on back order and it would take at least a month to get the new scale.  They said not to return the faulty scale, just recycle it!

  • just recycle it!

    ??????? wtf

  • Where are you based?

  • US, now on the phone got an email saying won't get the new one until I ship the faulty one!!!  Here we go again Garmin!!!!!!!!!

  • Are we to assume then that the units out in the market are total junk?

  • Don't know about the units out there.  I just had to pay for a new one and when it finally gets here I have to send back the faulty one.  Not sure why they lied about it the first time not having to return the faulty one before getting a replacement (Garmin RMA policy).  So if you get an RMA, you have to send your scale first and wait for the replacement to arrive.  Good luck with the back order wait time :)

  • that the units out in the market are total junk?

    I think so....