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Body Fat% is a way off PART2

as the other thread is closed by 

It can't be that the same fat value is always displayed, it can't be normal, all other values ​​change, the fat value is always 7 for every measurement, regardless of which activity class you choose?

Garmin's explanations cannot explain it in that way!

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  • Hello, I have the same problem. My fat percentage on the index v2 is 22 with a whithings the fat percentage was 11.5.During an examination by the doctor, a fat percentage of 12 was measured. The fitness level was set to 8, which also works very well for me. I allow you to access my account and hope that the problems with the scale can be resolved very soon.

  • Have you tried to lower the activity level to 7 since when select level 8 or above the scale goes into an athletic mode using a different algorithm that is not appropriate for most people; you should be an professional athletic or someone close to that to select 8 or more.

    The number of hours that lays as a ground for the activity (fitness) level is the number of high intensity training you do each week.

    • Consent to be added to an internal case - consent given. 
    • Consent to access your Garmin Connect account (if needed). Consent given. 
    • What device/test are you comparing your Index readings to: Caliper with Jackson-Pollock 3-site equation and mirror
    • What does your Index S2 display vs what does your reference device display. S2 shows 22.0% and Caliper gives 11.24%
    • What is your activity class set to, and is this appropriate for your activity level. Activity level 8, I run over 6 miles every day. 

    The S2 has always shown a value of over 20%, and I am definitely not over 20% body fat. 

    Also the weight on the S2 is around 4 pounds (2 kg) more than the 2 other scales I have lying around. 

  • I have had an Index-1 scale for 3+ years and maintained a consistent BF% of 6-8% that tracked realistically with my seasonal weight fluctuations throughout the year.  That gave me the impression that it was actually "working" as accurately as one could expect.

    I just received my Index-2 and like other posts I've ready, I am seeing a 19% BF% which is not possible.

    An update by Garmin Support would be appreciated.


  • Hallo, i set it to 7 and 6 but the diffrence ist only 0,5%. 

  • Hello

    I am having similar problems with Garmin Index S2. Is there any investigation going on? I can provide further details in case there is. Thanks.

  • I am also having questionable BF% measurements on the Index-2 scale, but that was compared to 2+ years of using an Index-1 scale.  After more investigation, I am starting to doubt the accuracy of the Index-1 instead.  I am now arranging a body composition test using either Dexa Scan or Bod Pod.

    If you are in a similar situation, I would suggest undergoing a more rigorous body composition test that is considered "gold standard", rather than just assuming that the Garmin is wrong.

    Once I have the results of my scan, I will update this thread.

  • "Also the weight on the S2 is around 4 pounds (2 kg) more than the 2 other scales I have lying around."  Same here!

  • Time to dive into this mess.

    I have an S2 gifted at Xmas.  Very nice, lovely to look at.  If only it was passingly accurate.

    Everyone accepts that these types of units will have limitations but if my BF% is prob around 15 then a range of 13-17 would be acceptable, and more so if improvements came over time with firmware updates etc. as per the watches.

    I have had numerous body scans over the the years, I have never exceeded 16% but now am suddenly 27%+.  That is just ridiculous.  I have another test scheduled next week so will update then.

    As for the suggestion that I should tell Garmin my activity level?  Well, GC has 9 years worth of data.  Maybe that is where the setting should be determined.

    As it stands this product would be bordering on unfit for sale.

  • Another one here. I know my exact body fat is around 12% and my activity level is 8 (10hr/wk). My old scale (fitbit) fluctuated around that 12% ±0.2%. The Index S2 is consistently measuring me at 21.6%. It's way way off. I contacted Garmin, and they asked me to keep using the scale. Apparently, over time it would adapt to me!! It really sounded like a dodging reply.

    Question: Does ANYONE get their body fat measurements right(ish) on this scale?