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How can I track kids' weight on Index S2 Smart Scale

As far as I know the only way you can track users' weight is to add them as a connection in Garmin Connect. It would be nice to be able to add people without accounts, underage kids are not allowed to have accounts, and not everyone that want to see their weight stats want and need to have an account.

E.g. I would like to be able to track my kids' and parents' weight, none of them have Garmin Connect account, and they do not need one. It would be nice if I can add people from my account or somewhere in the smart scale memory and be able to access their data from the app without having to login/logout different users. Xiaomi Smart Scale can do this through Mi Fit app, I don't see a reason why this can not be implemented in Garmin Connect.

Also it's not ideal that you can't see all body composition metrics without an account, even smart scales 4-5 times less expensive can display those with minimal input (age, height, gender).

  • Adding the S2 scale to a JR3 wearable account could be a solution?

  • so when Garmin advertise the product and they mention that you can create "profiles for family" they mean....only for those over 13....hmmm...thats more than a "minor" detail to leave out!

  • Hey  I agree that it would be helpful for users to know this information ahead of time. Thank you for the feedback and I will escalate this for you.

  • Hi ,

    What other companies implement regarding COPPA, and this is very common on gaming platforms and health apps, is for a registered adult to be assigned "Parent" over another underage user.  That way underage users can still make limited use of the platform but are denied aspects that conflict with law.  Perhaps you would consider adding "nested" registered Garmin Connect accounts for underage users?

    I also note that there are different age restrictions on use of the Garmin Connect app?  I thought that was 16 years old and I see references above to 13-year olds.



  • Hi, any updates on this issue? As Usays there is a way to cope with COPPA regulations. 

  • This is quite a show-stopper for me. I am about to but a new scale and I was going to switch from Withings/Nokia scale to Garmin one, as I use also Garmin watches to track my runs, sleep, whatever. There is absolutely no problem in Withings to register my children and to track their weight over time. With Garmin I understand this is not possible. Of course I want to track/save whole family with the scale. As far as I undestand one complication is that children need a separate account, other thing they need to be over 13 to actually have that. So I guess they can use this scale only basically just as a normal "stupid" scale without saving the data. As there seems to be no change in this approach anytime soon, I have to buy Withings scale again, correct?

  • Just checked new Garmin account registration. Is it not 13+ years in my country, it is actually 16+ here.

  • Is this seriously still the case? I just spent £130 on a set of scales my kids can’t use?

  • Glanced at a few countries. Most seem to have a minimum requirement of 16. If you look at the account creation page, it states:

    Your country or region of residence helps us comply with data privacy regulations and is never shared with others. 

  • The thing is it is unnecessary complication to create a completely new accounts for children. Passwords, emails, and they will no access it anyway, I will have to switch account to check weights trends etc... Great solution is with Withings/Nokia scale, there you just have some "subaccount" for other family members you see under your own account. No full functionality, just enough to watch weight charts etc.