Index 1 you simply steo on to ware it up.. Index 2, you need to tap or kick it: it's quite difficoult, i need to try several times to wake it up! It's froustrating!
Index 1 you simply steo on to ware it up.. Index 2, you need to tap or kick it: it's quite difficoult, i need to try several times to wake it up! It's froustrating!
I also had initially difficulties to wake it up (got mine just yesterday) - until I found out that "tapping" should rather be called "knocking". Try knocking with your finger on the scale as if you were…
solved: you have to kick it, not just toucht
As an update, I received shipping confirmation for my replacement scale the day they received the defective one, so kudos to Garmin for the fast response. Fingers crossed this one is better!
Mine continuously reboots -- this is a brand new scale, and it seems like it showed up defective. It worked twice until it started rebooting. A video of the behavior can be seen here:
Contact Garmin. They'll take care of it.
I have now had the scale for a few days, and I have found I need to give it a really good whack with my foot to wake it up. It does wake up if I do that, but anything softer than a pretty solid punch doesn't do it.
I am curious if other have the same issue? I found the scale very hard to wake up... My wife did think it was broken when she tried to get on it and it never woke..
My previous Withings was simple : get on it and check your weight. No wake up, no kick, no knocking...
Now that I've had the scale for a few weeks, I have figured out how to wake it up with a minimum of force. However, it's still annoying to have to give it a significant kick to wake it up. I have to be careful not to wake up my wife. When the promo material says you "tap" it to turn it on, that's misleading. You really need to give it a pretty hefty kick, in my case.
I have had the S2 for a few months now. For a long time, it was really difficult to wake up. Now, all of a sudden, it wakes up if I just touch it. I can even feel a difference - like the switch loosened up or something.
Well, since I get more and more Garmin devices I concluded it would be cool to have Garmin scale as well. However, I'm not impressed compared to my Withings Body+. First, it is really difficult to wake it up, my girls stopped using the scale as it is impossible for them to wake it up. I found a way, but it is far from good experience, it is simply silly. With Withings I just step on it and that's it, much better experience.
Further, the Garmin scale is smaller, less stable and it gets a lot of visible foot prints, something that is not the case with Withings. It just looks ugly. The accuracy is good (the same results as my Withings scale), but there are also some small silly things (like you cannot reorder the widgets displayed by the scale, something which is possible with Withings).
Ultimately I will most likely return it, especially as I found nice app called withings-sync which can sync Withings scale data to Garmin Connect account. I set it up on my Mac OS X to run in the background and works like a charm.
I Just got the S2 and I have the same problem not knowing how to wake it up. the only thing that works for me is step on, wait, step off and step on again. This is very annoying in the morning. If this does not change (i.e. with a sofwtare update) I will also send it back. Too bad :(