Index BPM overwrites previous measurements from same day in Apple Health?

I have the Index BPM and I have turned on syncing to Apple Health from within Garmin Connect.. I've found that within a given day, the Index BPM will always overwrite the previous measurement from that day -- so Apple Health will only retain ONE blood pressure measurement from the Index.  So, if you take measurements in morning and evening - Apple Health will only keep the evening measurement.   By contrast, my Omron will sync every measurement through the day to Apple Health.   I contacted support on this, but the response was this was an Apple Health problem -- which I doubt because the Omron retains every measurement, and my previous Balance Health monitor also retained all measurements in Apple Health.

YES -- all of the measurements are available in Garmin Connect -- but it is much easier to flash the Apple Health screen to my doctor to quickly show my history of my own measurements. Below is screenshot.. I had multiple measurements from Index on 6/15 and 6/14 -- but as you see, it only retains the last one.  Anyone else have this issue or a solution?

  • This actually must be an Apple issue as AFAIK Apple's HealthKit integration doesn't allow 'sources' to delete data - it's just down to HK how it displays the data provided by the source, dependent on the data type. So it might be cumulative (e.g. steps per day) or multiple readings (e.g. HR). I don't understand how you're seeing a difference between how the data from your Omron is being displayed compared to your Index. In Health, if you go into Blood Pressure>Date Sources & Access>Connect> do you see multiple readings per day, or just the one? Looking at mine, I see multiple different readings per days when I took them (in fact there's actually duplicates in there too). Likewise, the Health app will also show the range of readings for each day in the charts.

    What happens if you take a BP reading with your Index, make sure it's showing in health, then take another reading?  

  • When you look at yours - do you see multiple readings per day when the source showing the Connect icon?  For me, if I take a measurement today with the Garmin, it will go into Blood Pressure, Data Sources & Access, Connect - I only see one entry per day.  If I take a measurement now, that measurement will appear today in that same list.  If I take another measurement in 20 minutes, it will replace the measurement I take now.   Garmin support responded to me and said this is "by design", which did not make sense to me..  But you see multiple entries per day?

  • Also -- now what I am noticing -- the data does not end up in Apple Health right after the measurement has been collected.. Sometimes it takes days before it is added to Apple Health for some reason.  See the screenshots attached and notice the date of the measurement and the date added to Health.. Several days pass -- and only then, the last measurement of each date is what is sent to Apple Health.   I dont understand why this particular integration is done so poorly.  All other data in Apple Health from Connect is added to Health at intervals to be expected -- except for blood pressure.

  • OK, one edit - the reason for the delay is that Connect has to be open and in the foreground for the BP data to update Health after the device sync.  BUT, the overwrite of previous data still occurs as shown in the two screenshots.  You see the 8:03 entry gets overwritten by the 8:09 entry:

  • I have the same issue and customer service wasn’t able to help me. My Walgreens BP monitor records and syncs multiple entries per day, but Garmin connect only keeps the latest entry for a given day

  • I have the same issue. I only see a single entry for a given day. This is particularly annoying because I usually take multiple readings at a given time, and a multiple times of the day for a week every three months.

    This hasn't always been the case, I can see in the past multiple entries per day in the past.

    Support's response was 'speak to Apple. Does Apple fetch this data from the app, or does the app push it to HealthKit?

  • FWIW, I'm not using the Index BPM, I'm using manual readings.

  • I think something may have been fixed.. I had gone back to using my Omron because of this issue, and I just tried the Garmin again.. I took two measurements and they both ended up in Apple Health

  • So, this behavior appears to have reverted back to the previous behavior.. After 7/23, my Connect app appears to only be reporting the most recent measurement per day in Apple Health.  I'm not sure what happened, but I am back to only getting one reading in AH each date.  Terrible.

  • @Garmin I'm interested in buying one of these but I need support for multiple measurements a day with Apple Health.

    The same bug exists with the Index Smart Scale btw, only the last measurement of the day is synced to Apple Health... Classic Garmin bad software engineering.