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Time of measure is incorrect for all secondary users..

Has anyone noticed that the time of day is incorrect for all secondary users?  When I take my B/P measurement as the primary user date and time shows correct, but anyone listed as a secondary user the time is always wrong.  Shows 6 hours ahead of real time.  Don't understand why and can't find a correction on how to fix the problem.

  • If you login to the Garmin Connect on the web (PC / Browser etc) the target users account. You should be able to switch Time zone of upload under Account Settings-> Display Preferences -> switch upload time zone from GMT to your timezone 

  • did you ever resolve this issue? I am experiencing the same thing (except an offset of 7 hours) and the time zones of both my and my secondary user's account are set correctly. 

  • Just FYI - My issue was similar. And my take is that the product is not available in Japan where I currently live, and has some default offset to GMT for users who get added after the primary user (that’s my theory). So i got my wife to remove and add it as her device and after setting all the time zones to Japan (once again). It seems to work OK since then. This was over  least 5-6 months at this point.