Is the model also planned for Europe?


Unfortunately, I can't find any information if and when the index BPM is available in Europe/Germany.

Does anyone have any information?

Thank you very much.

Greetings, Thomas

  • I don't have any information, but I would expect it will be rolled out globally. I am assuming:

    1) limited supply at first due to supply chain constraints so doing a staggered roll out

    2) a totally new device so want to see if any major issues in first few countries

    3) going through government/health approvals/validations eg, in the US it is FDA cleared

    4) working with health care/insurance providers to ensure, where countries allow, it can be bought via health care accounts e.g. US FSA/HSA accounts

  • Sometimes government regulatory clearance can take a long time in different jurisdictions, so it wouldn't be a surprise if it takes 6 months or a year to become available in the EU. I'm sure Garmin wants to sell if wherever they can - but I wouldn't be surprised if, due to regulatory requirements, they only go to the trouble of getting clearance in a few key markets. Surely the EU would be one of those, though!

  • Mám index BPM dva dny. Koupil jsem ho z Ebay. Funguje zatím bez podpory v aplikaci. Zatím není možné párování.

  • Commandé le mien aux USA il y a plus d'un an, je l'utilise quotidiennement. Cher pour ce que c'est, mais finalement la précision est correcte.

  • My BP is a bit high and I wanted to monitor this weekly at home and see changes as a result of lifestyle changes (exercise and intermittent fasting)
    I got mine from the US on ebay. I am in the UK and could pair and use the BPM no problem with the connect app (just need to find the device in the list when pairing with connect).
    The BPM Chart zones (US chart) are slightly different to the one used in the UK by the NHS but I can live with that. (it would be great if we could change that ourselves or have a "country selector")
    So far, I have been using it for 2 weeks and get consistent results (similar day on day, no massive deltas).
    You can also export reports to pdf and email them to your Doctor for review (my doctor is also a Garmin user and she ask me to share these with her on a regular basis). Very handy, save me having to go to the medical centre just to get my Blood Pressure taken! 

    It is important to do the measurement in the same condition/position/time of day and state of mind (stress!).
    Very happy with it, well worth it...

    @garmin as for the ECG on the venue 2, hopefully this will "officially" come to Europe soon as I am sure many could be interested and they could have a good uptake on this on the EU market...
    In the UK, the NHS encourage "home based" health monitoring and, in some cases, even loan the device FoC to the patient... Garmin could perhaps talk to the NHS!

  • J'utilise the mien depuis maintenant 2 semaines et pas de problem, la precision et tres proche des mesures faites chez mon docteur.. pas de souci de ce cote la. 
    Il faut faire attention de prendre la BP dans les meme condition, (assis, meme bras, meme heure etc etc). La BP peut changer d'heure en heure pendant la journee en fonction du stress, des movements etc etc.

  • Bought mine in the usa couple months ago

    Waited for 2 year to be available in Europe 

  • I got German advertising from Garmin today (27.02.2024), so it is available in Europe now. 

  • Nice! also in the Netherlands it seems to be available soon

  • I just ordered it on the Austrian Garmin Store this week. Should arrive in a few days...