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Does the Index BPM sync blood pressure to Apple Health?

It says it syncs to Garmin Connect but does Garmin Connect write blood pressure into Apple Health? (That'd be desirable as a sink for such data when using several blood-pressure monitors or migrating from a non-Garmin device.)

Thanks Smiley

  • A while back one of the updates to Connect requested to be able to write those values to Apple Health, so I would assume Garmin intends to do so.   However, I don't have one of these (I use a withings for BP) and only time will tell if Garmin implemented the API correctly for this one.  

  • From what I’ve seen, after receiving my Index BPM today, and taking three readings with it so far today, no BP info is passed over to Apple Health. And that’s fine with me - I mean, after all, I’m using all my GARMIN data as my source of truth for all health & wellness info. I really never even ever look at Apple Health. It has no use for me - I’m all Garmin all the time. 

  • Index BPM blood pressure is passed to Apple Health, however there are two things to be aware of:

    1) Even if you had previously selected to pass BP info into Apple Health when the prior Garmin Connect iOS update happened, it looks like there are two fields you need to go and reselect to pass in.

    Go to Sharing->Apps->Connect-> select Diastolic Blood Pressure and Systolic Blood Pressure

    2) The passing of blood pressure will only occur from readings taken after Step 1.

    I have an Index BPM and can confirm that the above does result in BPM being passed across.