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Varia RTL515 error update firmware 3.34 - SOLVED

i’m trying to’ update my varia but easy time it fails. I’ve tryied via Garmin Express and via edge 1040.

With the 1040 the update reach 58% and then in fails

i tryied also to reset the varia pressing 8 seconda the button, but nothing….

any suggestion?

  • Thanks for the solution!

    Although my radar successfully updated from the edge 830 menu, on the computer when I connected it to GE it kept asking me to install version 3.27. Even if it was seen that it already has 3.34 installed.

    I proceeded as you wrote and now it no longer requests any updates in GE.

  • Thanks , that worked! GarminDevice.xml (in Garmin folder) now shows the latest versions:


  • Rename it to what please?

  • GUPDATE.GCD if it did not download with that name.

  • Thanks. Will try again as it hadn’t worked previously with the different file name. 

  • Thanks, that worked (once I moved the update file from the sub folder where the other file is) to the top level Garmin folder.  It flashed blue/green for about a minute which I assume was the install.  Now Garmin express no longer sees the need to update.  Thank you.

  • Interestingly, I see in finder (on a Mac) that the remotesw folder now no longer has any files in it as the other numbered one has also disappeared.

  • this finally fixed it for me, hopefully this update fixes the random sensor dropouts seemingly caused by the radar dropping out.

    for those with the issue of the update not applying what I had to do was download these two files.
    rename 8546.GUPDATE.GCD to GUPDATE.GCD

    transfer to my Varia light in the folders as specified. then eject the light and power it on. the light flashed between blue / green for a while and when it stopped it was updated.

  • I have a question about this update file (006D847520.GCD) for which device is it? It is reloaded onto the Edge 1040 every time, even if I keep deleting it. I have a Radar RTL 515 (Germany) and a garmin hrm pro plus chest strap paired with the Edge 1040 as sensors.

  • Can confirm that aweatherall's files do fix the problem.  Not even Garmin support could resolve it.