New Varia model is coming

Anyone have news for a new model coming in the next few months? Varia is a good product but In 2024 I think some improvemets shouldbe be considered su as:

  • Smaller version
  • USB-C
  • Better battery performance
  • Garmin vibration watch notification

Tks for reply

  • Other lights like? Maybe when you compare it to bontrager but then 99% of the ligts are like brick.

  • No, it's not at all! If there's a strong possibility that a new version is very likely due (most Garmin products are replaced/updated in much less time than 4 years), no one would want to spend that much dough on the old version. I nearly suffered that fate recently when buying an expensive new sports camera. I was just making the online purchase when I saw in a forum that a new version was being released the following week (upgrading from 2K to 4k). several people were returning their recently bought old version upon discovering this too. As for what has changed, well for one, from 2025 under EU law all new devices must be USB C, also I presume the new Varia could easily be smaller and lighter. Of course if you already have one then don't replace it. I do not have one at all!

  • keep in mind that this varia version is realy, REALLY good. It means that there is nothing more you need as of now. Ok, maybe USBC would be nice to have but come on... with different cable it still works as good as with usbc. If you will have new version then it will come with new price as well. 

    Price for this varia (right now) is great. I wouldn't pay more only to have a bit smaller version with different port. Yes if I would be you I would prefer to buy new version, but since there is none I would buy the one that exists.

    71g that someone mentioned it's nothing. You bottle with water weight more. Smaller size = smaller battery. 

    Camera is different story. It's different CPU, different lens, electronic. This is just a light. It's not a sci-fi :) 

  • The EU requirement is for new products launched after the law comes into affect. It does not apply to products that are released prior to the law being enacted. 

  • What about a brighten version? It seems that the light brightness can also be improved.

  • Oh really is it too bright for you? I do not think that make it less bright is a good idea. LOL.

    • I give Garmin credit for not offering updated versions of the Varia RTL with only marginal improvements to generate additional revenue. Yes USB-C would be more convenient, but USB-B works just fine. The Varia RTL-515 is really good product, as is the UT-800.  I could see new versions down the pike with more battery capacity, and improvements to the RTL-715 camera (and I’d love to see a front light with a camera) how much more battery life is needed if you recharge after every ride?   
  • I guess it depends on the length of the ride. Mine was not making it through a 100 mile ride unless I turned off the light. 

  • I’ve had pretty good luck keeping the light on a flashing mode, even on long rides.     I use my Garmin Edge to keep the light network in automatic mode to control the light beam/blinking modes depending on ambient light.