Sensor error radar 0:9

Had this error pop up twice on my Edge 530 on today's ride. Anyone knows what it means?

I have an RTL515 that's on the latest firmware (3.32).


  • brand new RTL515 - used it about 10 times - have it every ride after about an hour abd happens 5-6 times - very annoying

  • brand new RTL515 - used it about 10 times - have it every ride after about an hour abd happens 5-6 times - very annoying

  • On my new 515 I get this once a ride like clockwork, nearly always within the first 10 minutes. Whatever the cause, the fact the message doesn't go away by itself is massively annoying. I noticed once that it seemed to stop the radar working until I hit the screen to clear it (and I think I have to do that twice)

  • Since it's repeatable, if you can narrow down exactly where it's happening you can likely see what triggers it. Corrugated metallic walls/structures are one example. It seems all the faceted surfaces flood the radar with too many return signals to process. I think the 0:9 error is basically saying it can't process it all (understandable), and the error message let's us know that if there is a real moving target in there, it can't pick it up.

    I've also seen it mentioned here anecdotally that some vehicles trigger it, with speculation that signals from the radar sensors on newer vehicles are confusing the Varia. Seems plausible, and I'd love to see it tested sometime to confirm. I suppose similar would apply to any radar source ("photo radar", traffic light sensors, etc).

    The message can be cleared by pressing the "back" button (at least on my Edge 530), the same way as clearing any other pop-up notifications.

  • I have had repeatable 0:9 errors when cycling away from certain speed signs which use radar to detect and show the speed of vehicles approaching the sign. Most of these signs cause no problem but a few upset the Varia, perhaps by using a very similar frequency. The real problem is that the message on the Edge's screen doesn't self-cancel.

  • I get this error every ride too, most often as we approach a British army establishment so I suspect it’s a signal from there that’s interfering with the coms between radar and Edge

  • Problem is, if it doesn’t recover from a blip you really want to know it’s not working and that flashing radar symbol is easy to miss.

  • I tap on the message and it disappears or swipe the screen left.  My experience suggests that the detection works pretty well straight away, if nit stops at all when Edge gets a rogue signal

  • it’ll be the radar receiving too much data to handle. It’s only designed to catch the bounce from its own transmissions and likely in that area they have a whole load of radar sources in the frequency bands that civilian radar products also use. If one traffic light sensor is enough to overwhelm the Varia…

  • Any chance of Garmin ever fixing this bug?  I call it a bug because the radar sensor ought to be able to work in common environments, such as around traffic lights or railways. Sure perhaps it could tell you that the radar is suboptimal or not sensing cars at all by, say, flashing the icon red but it seems to me that forcing the user to clear repeated error messages makes it more rather than less dangerous.