Map update

Map update. There is a 2024.10 map version out, Express failed to update and says everything is fine. It has NOT updated. Anyone else? As soon as I can ditch this glitchy piece of crap I will, no end of system and software problems. Terrible

  • It remains unclear why some people have problems with their device and others (the most) don't. Those who have, are posting issues on the forums, those who have not don't.
    My EE2 has GCM EU and always (knock, knock...) updates maps and system software without any issues, using Garmin Express (Windows PC).
    Besides the GCM I have two OSM (non-Garmin) cycle maps on the device and they remain in place during the GCM map updates. No problems at all.
    It will allways remain a challenge to find the handles causing the several issues. Remember there are two blobs - the hardware (device) and the software (the human user), which makes problem solving, careful formulated, not less complicated.

  • Not my problem, harsh? Perhaps. Phones and CarPlay etc have almost replaced standalone sat nav devices for a reason. They just work. 

  • Mines always updated fine up to now, this time it said it updated ok but I had no details on the map screen. Since then I’ve been trying to reinstall the eu map but each time it fails at about 80%, so frustrating. Is there a way of installing a previous version of the eu map?

  • I suspect a space issue. You can try to delete the four 2024.10 mapfiles, including the .gma companion of the East mapfile. If you are on a Mac don't forget to empty the trash!
    - D4728160A.img = Geocode Map 2024.10
    - D6016110A.img (+ .gma) = Garmin Cycle Map East 2024.10
    - D6017110A.img = Garmin Cycle Map West 2024.10
    - D9499040A.img = Garmin Cycle Map Central 2024.10
    DO NOT delete D4713090A.img - this is the DEM map and will not be restored while re-installing maps using GE.

    Then reconnect the EE2 to Garmin Express (latest Windows version is and re-install the 2024.10 maps.
    You can check if all maps are installed correctly on the device under Profile (Road) / Navigation / Map Information. If you do not see map details check if the right map for your area is Enabled and the other area's are disabled. Do not disable geocode and DEM.

  • Thanks for your reply, I’ve got it installed now but I think you’re right even though it said I was ok for space. I had a ton of courses on my edge so I deleted a load of old ones and then the map went on ok