Garmin Edge 840 does not connect to Garmin Express

I just received the device today. It synced with the Garmin Connect on my iPhone automatically and asked for software upgrade. Then I wanted to connect it with Garmin Express on my mac, but it won't find the device. I use the latest Garmin Express and Software version 24.55 on the Garmin 840. I have other Garmin Devices connected to this machine OK, i.e. - Edge 830, Forerunner 920XT, Varia Bike Radar, and Garmin nuvi. All devices work OK via USB. Any idea what can be wrong with the 840?

  • I had it in the USB MTP mode - twice. Didn’t work either time. Ended up on phone with Garmin. It eventually connected but then had an error downloading the update. Will try again I guess eventually. 

  • I too had the issue with getting my 1-day old Edge 840 to connect to Garmin Express on two mac computers running two different operating systems. Used original cable that came with the unit. My other Garmin units have no issue connecting with either of these computers. CAUTION: The "press the lap button until you see 'USB MTP Mode' on the screen MAY BRICK YOUR 840!

    Once I did that I was able to get Garmin Express to finally connect with the 840 (success!) But after, I could not eject the unit properly from Garmin Express, and the screen on the 840 would not leave the "USB MTP Mode." Tried hard reset, holding power down for 30 seconds, holding lap down again, various other combinations and nothing worked. Called Garmin Customer Support, and Garmin advised me that there was no fix for this, and that the unit would need an exchange which is underway.

    I have been a long time Garmin customer and have had many of their devices. The fact that there is difficulty connecting to their own app (Garmin Express) which up until very recently was a prerequisite for updates, etc. on two different Mac operating systems is worrisome. TL / DR - Advise against the "holding the lap button down" method to get Garmin Express to recognize the 840.

  • Worked for me as well. Was able to connect to my 840 edge but I think you mean Garmin Express here not Garmin Connect, which is the phone app? Anyway, thanks for the tip!