I know this question has already been asked and yes I know that there are many data screens and apps in the IQ store but they are all way to huge and overloaded for something simple what I actually would like to see. Also most data filed require huge space on the the screen where as only coloring the background is way simpler. Coming from a Wahoo what I really, really miss is the Background color for e.g. power and/or heart rate. It would be nice if the background color changes based on the zone you are currently in for both HR and PWR. Even when in a small data field as shown below in the Wahoo example.
So something like this would be very nice. It should not be to hard to actually code this. But as I am not a coder myself what do I know. Best would be if you could set this based on the zones configured on and off for both HR and PWR. The advantage of this is that with a quick look down on your head unit you could get which zone you are currently in without even looking at the actual numbers. As this is what sometimes is needed only a quick look to see can I still push or am I already pushing to hard.