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Tone volume problem

my garmin has the tone volume too low, I spoke to assistance and they tell me that it cannot be repaired because it is out of warranty. Is there any possibility of troubleshooting or repair elsewhere?
Thank you

  • Guess not; what you could try is checking if the small holes that allow the sound of the beeper to pass are not clogged and clean these?

  • Thanks, how should I go about doing a thorough cleaning? I tried alcohol but it doesn't work
  • My crystal ball is rather trouble now, but if the tiny holes are really full of muck, pierce that out with a needle or alike. Keep downside down to let gravity help you and do not pierce too deep, or you might damage the speaker.

  • Aerosol spray electronics cleaner is probably the safest.  Electronics cleaner is non-conductive, generally plastic safe and has the pressure of the aerosol to clean things out.  I'd not chance a needle unless absolutely necessary.  It might just be that the speaker is broken, but likely nothing to lose with trying the aerosol electronics cleaner.

  • Thanks, could this be the product? 7bTvLgHmScUGDdHGx1WIS5J2kdGoeVRHgkX-U8e7XJ1PvwO_izJ8obc1vUu-WvmUD12IvtLg0Nh_p3VWYmyveUgL8_1-WMS97iB96R5pb7jYbHQG9JE8AYtC5IPXWp020bO4njTomggrdp RFY5BkhVtef2HLPh7HB3PRlZWqlCJ-GMIEATleowuSzse7gVnVSIEzopxV9jtQ0mvsksvLnpV3uBDRwxJrLSlv-f5EDJmF6HxoEkWlT4o.kPmLCbhefvKsWvMlky8imJvnGHl7lciiyMKqcsVdcn4&di b_tag= se&hvadid=255139193436&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=1008734&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=5810672847827282660&hvtargid=kwd-391180443061&hydadcr=18578_1822585&keyword s=spray+clean+electrical+contacts&qid=1710084444&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1
    What if the speaker breaks?