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Varia Radar - Constantly Switches Off/On and Changing Light Modes

Does anyone else have a problems with the Edge 830 and either the RTL510 or RTL515?

Since firmware 6.00 I've noticed the light on the radar keeps switching itself off and on at random intervals. Sometimes for a few seconds and other times up to 30 minutes.

I usually use High Visibility mode, and set it to switch onto that setting when the unit is powered up. But it doesn't want to maintain that setting, even when Flash override is set.

It wants to switch to Solid, which drains the battery.

I've had a few rides where it's worked perfectly, but 99.9% of the time it's a complete cluster.

I've tried factory resetting the Edge 830 multiple times (usually after a FW update), resetting and re-pairing the Varia.

Even buying a RTL515 yesterday didn't work. Edge FW is currently on 6.22.


(I congratulate myself for not swearing in this post Rage)



I forgot to mention I use the "Tail Light Field" app

Using this app give you extra info about whether the light is switched on, or has fallen off your bike. When viewing an activity on Garmin Connect (app or website).

An example from a cropped screen grab from today's ride.