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Rerouting doesn't work

I have an 830.  The rerouting is terrible/useless.

Why can't this be fixed?  It even works far better on old software I have on my Garmin 64 and every other GPS I have ever owned?

Now as soon as you miss a turn or something it keeps telling you to make a uturn.  Seriously?  Why can't I select the no uturn option for cycling?

In any event it keeps telling me to make a uturn for miles. I am not far closer to my destination and a simple reroute would correct this and put the course back on track, but it doesn't work that way.

Why is this so hard to fix?  Normally on a ride, I may skip a turn intending to kind of take a slightly different way and on other GPS's it will reroute me with something that makes sense.

  • Sí se puede. Solo tienes que terminar la rutas pulsando en la x que aparece en la pantalla mapa. Con esto no terminas la actividad. Luego pulsas en la pantalla para salir a la pantalla principal y en Navegar, seleccionas la nueva ruta.