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Please Help: Can't connect my Edge 830 to my iPhone (Garmin Connect) any more

For the longest time, my Edge 830 would connect to my iPhone version of Garmin Connect just fine.  Then, after one of the updates (about 3-4 weeks ago), I had to 're-setup' my Garmin Connect App and re-add my Fenix 5X and Edge 830.  The Fenix connects fine-the Edge 830 no longer connects.  I've tried everything...


1) 'forgetting' my 830 on my iPhone (under the bluetooth devices)

2) re-pairing using the BT function of my phone, then going to the app to 'finish setup'

3) rebooting the Edge 830, the iPhone, and trying again.

4) Deleting the entire Garmin Connect App, then 'forgetting' the Edge 830, then trying again - no success

How the heck to I get this to 'reconnect'?  When I go into the 'devices' section of Garmin Connect, it sees the 'unfinished install' present and asks me if I want to finish setting it up.  I've tried that, and it starts by asking me to select an accessory-so I cancel that and it attempts to complete the setup, but fails every time.

I have not done anything with the device settings under the web version of 'Garmin Connect'-not sure if I need to try something from that angle next?  Very very frustrating...

Please help.


  • You're pairing from the GC app, NOT on your iPhone->Bluetooth settings correct?

  • Correct.  The GC app will attempt to connect, get to about 90% then pop up a message saying failed to connect (but they device says “concerted to iPhone”).  They app tells me to retry.  I have tried restarting both devices with no luck.  I am going to attempt to disconnect several other Bluetooth devices and try again.  

  • Posted above...

    I just had this happen now, and this is how I solved it.

    1. On the Bluetooth settings on your phone, "Forget the Device."
    2. Launch Garmin Connect app on your phone
    3. On the Edge device itself, go to "Settings -> Connected Features -> Phone -> (Enable) -> Smart Phone -> Forget phone" This is THE step missing from all the online posts you see. And this is why a device reset works because it removes your phone.
    4. Click "Pair with phone" on the device, and follow the pairing mode instructions.
  • will take another look.  but I don't see "Forget phone" option displayed on my device 

  • I thought you said, in your previous post "(but they device says “concerted to iPhone”)?"

  • Sorry that should have said the device briefly flashes a screen saying paired with iPhone - then the app says “not paired”.  

    anyway appreciate the assistance.  I appear to have it working now - connected the device to my Mac, ran Garmin express and conducted a number of updates.  After that was done the pairing worked fine using the mobile connect app.


  • I was in exactly the same boat, tried everything and nothing worked to get my iphone 11 to sync with Edge 830.  The following did work:

    First software versions:

    a) Edge Software was updated to v6.26

    b) Iphone 11 IOS is on IOS14.4

    1) As with all the other links, I then made sure Edge was deleted as a device on the iphones Bluetooth list of connections.

    2) My trick that worked:  Out of desperation, I switched off my iwatch and ALL other Bluetooth devices that showed as being connected on the iphone list of bluetooth devices.  I forgot all less important devices like car phone and headphones that are easy to re-link.  I only had iwatch and huawei watch showing as devices, BUT BOTH DISCONNECTED BECAUSE THEY WERE OFF.

    3)  I then logged out of Garmin Connect software on iphone

    4)  I then rebooted my iphone

    5)  I also did the factory reset on the new Edge 830 (which I did 5 times before as well which then didn't solve the problem). I just did it again.  (But I think the trick/problem was the other bluetooth devices that were now switched off, didn't interfere with the sync process anymore)

    6)  I then powered down the Edge 830

    7) Switch on Edge

    8) Open Garmin Connect app on iphone 11. Logged in with user name and password.

    9)  On the edge I went to Connected features / phone / pair with smartphone

    10)  Automatically the syncing started.  Garmin connect automatically picked up Edge 830 wanted to sync and procedure completed without a problem. 

    Good luck guys.  I hope it works for you too.  I struggled 5 hours maybe, but switching off other bluetooth devices made the procedure work for me.    

  • You are my hero!  Truly.  I've spent hours on my own and with Garmin this week trying to figure out why my Edge was no longer playing nicely with my phone.  All it took after so many resets, disconnects, bluetooth this and that.  Finally they're communicating.  Thank you!

  • Thank you!  This worked for me!

  • This worked also! After a warranty exchange because of the connection issues and so much troubleshooting and doubt, this was the solution.