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830 will not turn on

I had a strange problem today.  I charged the unit using a charger (not the computer) and the 830 powered off as expected when full charge was reached.  However, when I went to do a ride, I could not turn it on.  Tried the power button many times, also held it >10 seconds to try for a reset.  Nothing worked.  I then used the USB cable to plug it into the computer.  that powered it up and after that, could power up and down with the power button.  I looked for an error log file after my ride, but could not find one.  Any ideas?  I will have to do some testing to see if this repeats.  Note I am running the beta firmware.

  • Indeed very strange.  Hopefully Garmin will take a look and make sure the bug doesn't get into a released firmware.

  • I've had the same problem three times.
    After pressing the power button for a long time the Edge started.

    I am using the software 3.20

  • Did it happen after charging? or just randomly?  I have not had it happen again, although I have not fully charged it again either.

  • It happen after full charging

  • HI, I am having the same issue, device initially comes on then shuts down in less than a minuet (its charged) this also started after a full charge

  • Hmmm I'm having the same issue on latest beta firmware.  I tend to leave it on the charger for a few hours, and it has trouble turning on requiring a really long press (10+ sec).  Has happened several times now.

  • Could you post the err_log.txt from the Garmin\Debugging folder if there is one?

  • this is from today:

    "product_name":"Edge 830",
    "backtrace":" - Error type ( 8 ) err( 8 )",
    "Commit ID":"f36bd8ca6f965fc2ef16328767cfe5737c5c9e94",
    "Time":"2019-7-24 9:12:49",
    "Ram Dump":"N/A",
    "ESht PC":"0x00000000",
    "ESht SP":"0x00000000",
    "Project Specific":"
    M4 SSRS: 0x6
    M4 SRS: 0x6
    A7 SSRS: 0x6
    A7 SRS: 0x6",
    "Task ID":"0",
    "Task Name":"",


  • from a few days ago, unsure if same problem:

    "product_name":"Edge 830",
    "backtrace":" - Error type ( 8 ) err( 8 )",
    "Commit ID":"f36bd8ca6f965fc2ef16328767cfe5737c5c9e94",
    "Time":"2019-7-21 10:25:36",
    "Ram Dump":"N/A",
    "ESht PC":"0x00000000",
    "ESht SP":"0x00000000",
    "Project Specific":"
    M4 SSRS: 0x6
    M4 SRS: 0x6
    A7 SSRS: 0x6
    A7 SRS: 0x6",
    "Task ID":"0",
    "Task Name":"",


  • I also cannot switch the device on via Power Button. Confused