Map of Europe is too big to install

Former Member
Former Member

As the title already says. The entire map of Europe is too large to install. Unfortunately, I can only select a part of Europe (e.g. Central Europe) and not additionally e.g. Western Europe. This is very unsatisfactory for people like me who live near the borders of Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.
I could well do without the inaccurate Climbpro.
So back to the alternative maps again.
Garmin, it's disappointing!

  • +1

    I feel the same. If I want to do a bike trip through Europe, I need to take my laptop and delete the current region and install the one I want to enter in order to have maps and navigation.

    Why don't you allow people to select their countries of interest to be installed in the edge?

    But I want to have the climbPro Feature! It's awesome!

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member 11 months ago in reply to chuck_daniels

    Hi Chuck,
    if you want to try another map I think they are a good alternative.
    ClimbPro is working, at least the one climb on my commute. And it is more accurate from the gradient profile than the garmin map.
    But you can't search for climbs (no problem for me).

  • You can get (free) maps for custom regions. These will work like the Garmin maps but will look a bit different. These use Openstreetmap data just like Garmin does. 

    The elevation data actually comes from another map (the ”DEM” file). 

    Since these maps are custom (usually, a small portion of a continent).

    It’s not that hard to use these maps (it’s even easier after that!).

    There are numerous sources for these. is one of them.

  • Hello. You can download first map from Garmin Express, move file to computer, next download second map and manually copy first map to Garmin. It works.

  • I did the same. On the Edge 540 is then displayed under maps only the ClimbPro map of the map installed via Garmin Express, not that of the copied... whether this then works, I can not say

  • I have the same problem. If I want the map for Norway (where I live), I have to choose "Europe - East". That means I get maps for far-away countries like Azerbaijan and Turkey, but not neighbouring country Denmark (where I actually do ride).

    The regions offered by Garmin make no sense to me. Do they think people travel in north-south "slices" of the planet, and not to the closest countries? Does Garmin expect customers to change map regions when they go across the closest border?

    "Europe - Central" contains Greece and Macedonia, but not Germany or France.That's an unusual categorisation.

    Garmin could solve this by offering more regions, for instance: "Europe - North", "Europe - Scandinavia", or to make "Europe - Central" match what most people consider to be central Europe (tip: that would include France and Germany).

    The best would be to let users select countries individually.

    (I could have posted screenshots from Garmin Express, but this forum requires you to provide a URL for each image, and it's impossible to upload files)

  • The regions offered by Garmin make no sense to me. Do they think people travel in north-south "slices" of the planet, and not to the closest countries? Does Garmin expect customers to change map regions when they go across the closest border?

    I suspect it's split mostly to keep the map file sizes roughly the same. The 1030+ and 1040 have enough room for all the maps. Thus, it's a problem that is (slowly) becoming moot.

    If you live in a region that spans two maps and you don't have room for both, you can use a custom map (from non Garmin sources) for your region.

    Garmin could solve this by offering more regions,

    Offering more regions has its own issues. Garmin is solving it (slowly) by adding more memory to newer devices.

    (I could have posted screenshots from Garmin Express, but this forum requires you to provide a URL for each image, and it's impossible to upload files)

    You can upload images. I've never provided links.

  • Ah, so it is possible to upload images! Weird UX. Screenshots coming..