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Edge 530 Disconnects ALL Sensors WHILE Riding (ver. 9.75)

The Garmin Edge (software version 9.75) continuously drops ALL sensors while riding.  It has progressively gotten worse too.

It started out by dropping all sensors (power meter, HR monitor and Varia (rear radar/light) while riding.  It normally takes around 10 to 30 seconds for them to reconnect and it shows at the bottom of my screen (more annoying than anything).

Now, every time I stop at a stoplight, pause for a break, it literally will disconnect and I will have to go in and manually reconnect every single sensor during the ride.  Then, when it disconnects while riding, like before, I now have to manually reconnect all sensors and this includes starting the ride.... I have to manually connect as well.

What can I do to have some relief of this issue please?