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Navigation Sucks BIG TIME!
I was riding a course yesterday. There was some road works ongoing on the planned route with really quick detour (I do know about it for a week, so no problem). 
After one kilometer I was back on the planned route and the GARMIN "NAVIGATION" was annoyingly showing MAKE A U TURN-- maybe for two minutes of riding on the planned route in right direction. Oh my gosh, really?  
And then even it pointed me in the wrong direction and started to showing Finish line flag with meters count down. LOL. I was for the first time in that location, so I just had to stop, open Garmin Connect app, look at the planned course( where you don´t see your location! 2nd LOL) so I had to open another map app to check where am I exactly and compare that with the course. Impossible just came true. I bought Edge 530 to get rid of the phone while riding. I bought Fenix 6  for that reason at first, but it was small and looking at it while riding was not convenient.
Rerouting is setup to minimize distance. It is not minimizing distance at all because of rerouting in nonsense ways.

What about your experience, is it the same, or (and) you´re ok with how it is working? 
Is it possible that some additional maps in device is causing this stupid errors in navigation? 
I´m about to find out. 
My guess is, there is no solution. The best solution would be put phone small as possible on the bars instead. There the navigation is much responsive and "smart":)
Did you try Komoot, somebody? Is it somehow better when you use it in garmin? 

Thx ya all

  • agree, therefor it makes no sense to start a discussion on a know issue by stating "it sucks".... 

  • But it does:)

    Sadly, my experience is like that. And I just used common setting in menu. 

  • so... move to another brand I guess... 

  • OFC, I will try some;)No bicycles

  • will advice a device that requires less settings, wahoo is a great device for people that prefer best fit out of the box

  • Yes, I will get one from a friend today.
    He was the reason I bought Edge. 
    I already had Fenix watch so I wanted to stay in the family.. 
    I will do b2b test and decide if I will keep Edge

    And I have no problem with settings since it does what it should. 

  • What is overlooked in most discussions is that the 530 has two navigation modes, following a course and navigating to a location.

    Loading a course means you’ve decided where to ride and the steps to follow are quite straightforward:

    1-Turn off route recalculation. (Not doing so is bound to raise your stress levels!);

    2-Follow the course;

    3-If off-course, use your smarts to work out how to get back onto it;

    4-See step 2.

    If the aim is getting to a location, navigating to a location could be a better choice, which allows the 530 to select a route based on the routing options set. Route recalculation will work in this mode (at least on shortish rides) if you want to follow a route that differs from the initial one. Marking locations is a bit clumsy using the buttons but it does work.

  • Yes, this is option and racalculation is much better. BUT, and here we come to what GARMIN is best at, it is so difficult to operate, that I will not use it.

    The device itself is fine. It has accurate GPS, super run time per one charge and great features - but all of those is so hard to use, almost like no human at all was doing some tests before releasing them to users.  

    There is so much of it, it is really amazing (in bad way). 

    Speaking of setting up a destination. It is not possible to do simply in Connect app. 
    You have to create a course with start in your destination point and then you can let yourself to navigate to start of the course, hence your desitnation point.
    And, you have to find it by yourself in the map, there is no search box for address or POI. Why? 

    Wahoo is a pleasure to use. OMG, so much. Yes device has maybe 10percent capabilities of what Edge can do, but those 10 is easy to operate and everything you can do from smartphone app. Why Garmin cant do that? 

    Etc etc 

    Heh, yesterday I was trying to setup different maps and routing for each activity. 
    And when I ran into selecting maps details I just give up. 
    You have to dig 10levels deep in the menu to switch one of 4 map detail info setting (which everyone has another 4 levels), you make a change to one and have to go aalllllll the way back to map so see the effect.. Dont like it, lets go again. .Ridiculous. This should be done in the map to see the effect immediately, or in the phone app in one hand, while looking effects in realtime on the device in other hand. Like Wahoo do. And I´m pretty sure others too. I will find out. 

    it is shame that Garmin kills potential of Edge devices with such a bad software.That is the main problem.

  • there is no search box for address or POI. Why? 

    Because Garmin decided to not have those functions in the 530.  The 830 and higher units have them.  Why did Garmin do that?  Marketing reasons probably.

  • Can you provide print screen of that from Connect app, please? 
    Fenix 6 is also low rank, thats why search field is not there? 
    I doubt that Garmin is capable to program this complex condition so one device has different map engine than the other:)