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Navigation Sucks BIG TIME!
I was riding a course yesterday. There was some road works ongoing on the planned route with really quick detour (I do know about it for a week, so no problem). 
After one kilometer I was back on the planned route and the GARMIN "NAVIGATION" was annoyingly showing MAKE A U TURN-- maybe for two minutes of riding on the planned route in right direction. Oh my gosh, really?  
And then even it pointed me in the wrong direction and started to showing Finish line flag with meters count down. LOL. I was for the first time in that location, so I just had to stop, open Garmin Connect app, look at the planned course( where you don´t see your location! 2nd LOL) so I had to open another map app to check where am I exactly and compare that with the course. Impossible just came true. I bought Edge 530 to get rid of the phone while riding. I bought Fenix 6  for that reason at first, but it was small and looking at it while riding was not convenient.
Rerouting is setup to minimize distance. It is not minimizing distance at all because of rerouting in nonsense ways.

What about your experience, is it the same, or (and) you´re ok with how it is working? 
Is it possible that some additional maps in device is causing this stupid errors in navigation? 
I´m about to find out. 
My guess is, there is no solution. The best solution would be put phone small as possible on the bars instead. There the navigation is much responsive and "smart":)
Did you try Komoot, somebody? Is it somehow better when you use it in garmin? 

Thx ya all

  •  even though you drawn a route - the unit will try to adhere to the route as best it can but it still has to follow the rules of the underlying map - if there is something in the underlying map that prevents the unit from followingthe route exactly it will recalculate using the rules of the underlying map and joined back to your route as soon is it can. There could be kissing gates, or the cycling path is cut off by the road but in your mind you could ride straight through so u draw the route without factoring in these diversions. In practice The unit will have to divert to avoid these obstructions. so when it comes to these obstacles you'll see it will suggest re-route even though u have the route laid. it will join back to your route eventually, when the map allow it to.

    Extreme example - draw a route going along the opposite direction of traffic.....the unit will reroute to follow the rules of the road over the pink route.

    But yes - firstly to get anywhere near what you think the unit should be doing you must disable the recalculate function. Otherwise i promise you you'll be so frustrated you'll wanna throw it into the nearest bush.

  • I´m using cycling map planner - So there should be no problem with following the rules. Exported to device using GPX file . 
    I am about to try to turn of recalculation and I even will have the Wahoo device to try and I´ll test them b2b. I think it will be interesting to watch how they behave with the same gpx imported.

  • I´m using cycling map planner


    What exact website or program are you using? What maps are you using?


  • There is no better option for our country (czech republic) than

  • Here is my original planned route and recorded activity. Just example where it failed. 

    I had to take detour because of some road work and Garmin sent me at point 1 in the wrong direction.

    (Yes it tried to get me back on track, to the point where I left the route, probably)

    I realized that and turn around. Garmin was displaying OFF Course all the way to the point 3 and far more loger. It was KMs an  d minutes of riding. This is not navigation in any term. Smart phone with cycling navi app would recalculate the route at the point 1 to the right direction minimizing distance and time, I´m pretty sure about that. I´ll try it again and compare Wahoo, Garmin and Smart phone app, as well as Garmin with different setting - recalculation turned off)

  • your configuration SUCKS, it is said 1000x in this forum: do not recalculate!, Garmin is not a car navigation it will always try to lead you back to the original route as it assumes you want to drive every inch of it.

  • Why it is there NAVIGATION and RECALCULATION menu then? 

     IT ASSUMES.. huh. Great featureLaughing

  • for the one that wants to drive every inch :-)

    Think you thoughts need to shift, once something not behave you expect, it might also be the user that configure the device

  • I'm configuring, riding and trying. 

    Some replies here were constructive, and I'm happy about the "results"

    Of course I can shift , I can change device, or even sell them all in the end. I will see.

    But why is this forum existing - for us to say our opinions and ask questions? If some are repeating, Something is wrong.. with users or device.. we can talk endlessly about it.

    Garmin has left a lot of room for improvements, in my opinion, while no trying to make them:)