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Edge 530 FW 9.40 - sensors/connectivity issues

Recently, I'm facing issues with sensors connected with Garmin Edge 530, this started to happen after upgrading to 9.40 FW, haven't noticed the issues with the previous FW. 

Issue #1 HR Strap is being disconnected during the ride, it's not possible to connect it back during the activity:  


HR strap is Garmin HRM Run - new battery inside 

Issue #2 Bontrager lights are being disconnected during the ride, it's not possible to connect to back unless the device is being reset. 

Issue #3 Bontrager lights wrong battery indicator, I believe this is an old issue but still reporting it here as a sensor issue (

@ - are these known issues and if yes when are they going to be fixed? 

  • I've had this issue since the 9.40 upgrade.  It's extremely tedious.

    My Garmin won't automatically connect to any sensors.  I can sometimes make it manually connect to my power meter and my SRAM drivetrain after fiddling with menus for a few minutes at the start of every ride.  I have been unable to get it to connect to my Bontrager lights after the upgrade.

    I really hope Garmin are taking these bug reports seriously.  There are likely many people with this problem reading this thread (and several others) without actually posting.  

  • Are you guys turning the device completely off each time after use or just let it sleep in standby?

  • I never remember to power cycle it before a ride...  so it's usually just been in 'standby'.  After reading some posts suggesting that helped, I tried the complete power down, but still had to connect sensors manually and I still got dropouts during the ride.

    Anyhow... after some forum reading I just downgraded the firmware to 9.10 and everything appears to work perfectly again.  I lost a whole bunch of my configuration, but it finds all the sensors immediately and I get no dropouts. 

  • Powering the 530 off completely does contribute to a more stable ride in my case but…

    I had a very frustrating experience on a 45 mile, 2 hr 30 min ride yesterday despite the complete power off work before the ride.

    The 530 would drop all connected devices once every 15 minutes on that ride.  In most cases the devices reattached except in one case the Polar HR monitor never reconnected and I had to remove/re-add to get it back online. 

    The bigger problem was that the Garmin headlight also never re-attached to the light network but I was unaware. The light defaulted to the always-on mode instead of blinking.  This almost fully depleted the battery by the end of that ride. 

    I am going to look into dropping back to the prior firmware as well.  This is just intolerable. 

  • If you are planning to downgrade, remember to first backup your settings files to make setting up again a whole lot easier.

    see here.

  • I really hope Garmin are taking these bug reports seriously.

    Yes, guess we all do but there doesn't seem to be any evidence that any serious investigation is happening, as you say it's extremely tedious. Perhaps the extreme embarrassment of the apparent near complete "sensor dropouts" reported on the brand, shiny new 1040 in the 1040 Forum will prompt some notice being taken, but perhaps not, they might find the 1040 issue and continue to ignore it on x30s which must now be seen as in the final stage of their product life cycle? Just to note that CIQ apps / data fields are being proposed as the cause of the 1040 issues, I might remove the few CIQ fields on my 530 and test (I have been on 7.10 for the last year), good luck to us all as it will be a while before I "upgrade"

  • Did you try to ride with disable WIFI and mobile phone in Garmin Edge ?

  • Edge 530 was working great until about a couple weeks ago.  I do a hard shutdown after every ride.... in the past when I powered up it would reconnect to all sensors.  However, now each sensor has to be manually reconnected when I power on the Edge 530.

  • I've has this problem on the latest firmware (never happened before) a handful of times, if I sleep a ride at a coffee stop for example then start riding again, the 530 forgets the ANT+ devices (PM and HR strap), the Garmin has to be rebooted to clear the problem. #flippinfrustrating

  • So far 9.10 is working great.  I am now getting irritated by the popup diaglog box asking me to upgrade to 9.40 every time I do a ride!

    I can only answer "Install Now" or "Remind me later" ... there is no option for "I *never* want to install this broken garbage version until there is a fix"