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Edge 530 sensor dropouts since installing 8.0 firmware

After installing the new 8.0 software/firmware on my Edge 530, I'm getting repeated sensor loss and then Found messages (about every 5-15 second) while on a ride.

It's only the connection to my SRAM eTap that's having this issue and it wasn't occurring with the 7.10 version.

There's no battery warning from the eTap and they (front and rear derailleur) are shifting just fine.

Other ANT+ devices are all Garmin and no dropouts seems to be occurring for any of them: Remote, HR, Vector Power Meter Pedals.

I'm going to try removing the device and rediscover it as well as fully charge the eTap batteries to see if that makes a difference.

Anyone experience anything similar with the new 8.0 version?

  • Frequent “found power meter” messages on Edge 830 

  • I have same issues: both periodic 0s for cadence and power for 10-20 seconds (but not speed by the looks of it) as well as occasional ‘found sensor’ notifications.

  • +1. Regularly see the PM & Cadence drop out on the 530, yet cadence is still showing on screen in Zwift.

    Removed the 4iiii PM and re paired it, but still dropping out today. 

    FW  8.00 & 8.1

  • I reported this to Garmin through chat. They requested I send a sample ride to then to investigate further. 
    i think it’s probably helpful if others on this thread can also provide examples if you have the time to also reach out to support. Thanks!

  • Earlier I reported that the issues occured on only one of our Edge devices (we have two). But today I checked my last ride, and I saw gaps in graphs in HR measurement (coming from a Garmin watch with ANT) and power/cadence (4iiii). So both of our devices have the issue.

    I contacted Garmin Netherlands about the issue through chat. I was told that Garmin is aware of the problem (many customers reported the issue) and that they are working on it.

    I expect a v8.20 soon.

  • Agreed, I had a similar issue a couple of years ago and Garmin had me set the Edge into a ANT+ debug/logging mode to capture more info.

    I just upgraded to the 8.10 version and haven't seen the problem re-occur since doing what I described earlier in this thread.

  • Same here.  Both 8.0 and 8.1 have been a big step back for me in terms of reliability.  Both Garmin HR and 4iiii Power drop out on a regular basis.  Today the 530 decided to randomly do a restart midride as well.  

  • 8.1 has nothing to do with it.

    Changes made from 8.00 to 8.10:

    • Fixed "Trailforks Connect IQ app is not stored on the device" error.
  • Does anyone know if having Connect IQ apps can effect drop outs?  I'm running a few Xert apps.

  • I have the same problem - edge 530, recently updated to 8.1   and now my cadence sensor is "found" every 10 seconds.