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Edge 530 sensor dropouts since installing 8.0 firmware

After installing the new 8.0 software/firmware on my Edge 530, I'm getting repeated sensor loss and then Found messages (about every 5-15 second) while on a ride.

It's only the connection to my SRAM eTap that's having this issue and it wasn't occurring with the 7.10 version.

There's no battery warning from the eTap and they (front and rear derailleur) are shifting just fine.

Other ANT+ devices are all Garmin and no dropouts seems to be occurring for any of them: Remote, HR, Vector Power Meter Pedals.

I'm going to try removing the device and rediscover it as well as fully charge the eTap batteries to see if that makes a difference.

Anyone experience anything similar with the new 8.0 version?

  • my only solution is stop the activity and shutdown the 530 and then power up and resume & continue the activity.

    I have had issues if had moved to faraway from 530, such as leaving the bike and having coffee(long breaks seems to be the problem), also when I have lost powermeter & HR it wont re-connect to HR or powermeter trying to pair them(as it wont find them)

  • I do the same but have found that activating the sensors immediately before waking up the device seems to work. Spin the wheel with sensor, cranks, remote if you use one then tap the power button. When it wakes up all the sensors seem to connect and my lights also resume. This a tip from a friend of mine who is on current firmware. I'm still on 7.10. It seems to works for both of us. I never have any dropouts during rides. He has random ones as do most riders I know with this series of Edges.